PayloadContent OptionalArguments AggroMessage **Please save your work and restart** NormalMessage In order to keep your system healthy and secure it needs to be restarted. \n**Please save your work** and restart as soon as possible.\n\nDeferrals remaining until required restart: NotificationMessage In order to keep your system healthy and secure it needs to be restarted. \nPlease save your work and restart as soon as possible. SecretQuitKey ] ShowDeferralCount Title Reboot System PayloadDisplayName Renew PayloadIdentifier com.secondsonconsulting.renew.27FE7E2F-64F3-4EC4-A300-1DEE44E046A5 PayloadType com.secondsonconsulting.renew PayloadUUID 27FE7E2F-64F3-4EC4-A300-1DEE44E046A5 PayloadVersion 1 RequiredArguments DeferralDuration 4 MaximumDeferrals 2 NotificationThreshold 1 UptimeThreshold 30 PayloadDisplayName Renew Configuration PayloadIdentifier Joshuas-FileWave-MBP-4.031D0596-13B7-4B23-96E7-894D486DDD0D PayloadType Configuration PayloadUUID 031D0596-13B7-4B23-96E7-894D486DDD0D PayloadVersion 1