#!/bin/bash # For all script types, returning an exit code of 0 (success) means the # script execution completed successfully. # # Requirements scripts can have the following exit codes that # influence how the Client will handle the Fileset: # # - 210: This exit code will cause the Fileset to be treated like the # installation was successful (unless another requirements script fails,) # but the Fileset will not be downloaded nor installed. # # - 220: This exit code will prevent the installation and cause the client to # stop retrying unless a manual action is made (verify, reinstall, etc.) # or the Fileset is updated. # # Returning any other exit code but 0 (e.g. 1 or -1) will be reported as a # "Requirements Failure: Script" in the Client Info window and Fileset Report. # This will also prevent the contents of the Fileset from downloading and # installing. In this case, requirements scripts will be executed every 2 # minutes and the Fileset will be installed when they all return 0. # # For other types of scripts, any non-zero exit code (e.g. 1 or -1) will cause the # Fileset installation to fail and a script failure to be reported. # # If the script finishes without returning an exit code, the exit code 0 # (success) is assumed by default. # # Add the contents of your script below: sleep 30 /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :Security_PasswordStrength integer 3" /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer.preferences.plist /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :Security_Adminrights integer 1" /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer.preferences.plist sleep 15 teamviewer=$(ps -xa | grep -i "TeamViewer_Service" | grep -v grep | awk {'print $1'}) kill -9 $teamviewer exit 0