#!/bin/bash #26-May-2022 - Removed the old update dep certs file that would break a 14.7.x server updating its dep profiles #19-June-2020 - added parameter verification ; made DEP script injection conditional ; added firewall exceptions ; made sure certificate is injected at initial run ; added cronjob scheduling #10-July-2023 - Updated the script to replace the old renewal hook if it exists, made the script work with --uninstall without additional arguments, changed the script to ask for the hostname and email during installation, added Debian OS check. #16-Feb-2024 - Updated for Debian server #08-Mar-2024 - Refinements for Debian use. Switched to SNAP for certbot and more help if errors. #23-Apr-2024 - Added code to set the cert as trusted scriptname="$BASH_SOURCE" # check if script is running on Debian if ! grep -q 'Debian' /etc/os-release ; then echo "This script is designed to run on Debian. Exiting." exit 1 fi # root or moot if [ $(whoami) != "root" ] ; then echo "root rights required - please rerun as" echo "sudo ${BASH_SOURCE} --install" exit 1 fi #letsencrypt installation for Debian Linux if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "This script automates the process of obtaining and installing a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for a FileWave server on Debian." echo "Available arguments:" echo "--install: Install a new Let's Encrypt SSL certificate." echo "--uninstall: Uninstall the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate and remove associated scripts." exit 1 fi # Check if uninstall switch is provided if [ "$1" == '--uninstall' ]; then echo "Uninstalling..." rm -f /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/filewave-server-cert.sh rm -f /etc/cron.daily/letsencrypt-filewave snap remove certbot echo "Uninstallation complete. The renewal hook script, daily cron job, and Certbot have been removed." exit 0 fi # Proceed with installation if [ "$1" == '--install' ]; then read -p "Enter your fully qualified domain name (hostname): " hostname read -p "Enter your email address: " emailaddress # verify whether this is a resolvable public hostname ; abort if not if ! [ -x "$(command -v nslookup)" ]; then echo "Installing 'dnsutils' for Debian." apt install -y dnsutils fi nslookup $hostname public=$? if [ $public -ne 0 ] ; then echo "$hostname not resolvable by (Google) ; exiting." ; exit 0 ; fi # Confirm hostname and email address echo "Hostname: $hostname" echo "Email Address: $emailaddress" read -p "Are these correct? (yes/no) " confirm if [ "$confirm" != "yes" ]; then echo "Aborting due to user confirmation." exit 1 fi #Backup existing certs BACKUP_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M) mkdir /usr/local/filewave/certs/backup-$BACKUP_DATE cp -p /usr/local/filewave/certs/server.* /usr/local/filewave/certs/backup-$BACKUP_DATE # Update Debian system and Install Certbot if not already installed apt update -y DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" if ! [ -x "$(command -v certbot)" ]; then echo "Installing SNAP." apt install -y snapd snap install core echo "Installing Certbot." apt remove certbot python3-certbot-apache snap install --classic certbot ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot # Test again for the certbot command if ! [ -x "$(command -v certbot)" ]; then echo "Certbot installation failed. Exiting." exit 1 fi fi #request certificate initially # I've seen this fail and there is no harm in the command running 2x the first time to be sure it worked. certbot -n --agree-tos --standalone certonly -d "$hostname" -m "$emailaddress" echo "Certificate for $hostname should be created. If there was an error try running:" echo 'certbot -n --agree-tos --standalone certonly -d "'$hostname'" -m "'$emailaddress'"' # PostgreSQL command to update ios_preferences echo "Updating iOS preferences in PostgreSQL..." /usr/local/filewave/postgresql/bin/psql -d mdm -U django -c "INSERT INTO ios_preferences (key, value) VALUES ('mdm_cert_trusted', TRUE) ON CONFLICT (key) DO NOTHING; UPDATE ios_preferences SET value = 'true' WHERE key = 'mdm_cert_trusted';" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "iOS preferences updated successfully." else echo "Failed to update iOS preferences in the database." fi # Ensure renewal-hooks and deploy directories exist mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy # Remove old renewal hook if exists rm -f /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/filewave-server-cert.sh # Create new renewal hook cat>/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/filewave-server-cert.sh</dev/null) | /usr/local/filewave/python/bin/python /usr/local/filewave/django/manage.pyc update_dep_profile_certs 2>/dev/null echo "DEP profile certificates updated." EOT chmod a+x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/filewave-server-cert.sh echo "injecting certificate into filewave server" /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/filewave-server-cert.sh echo "injection done" ##Install firewalld for configuring port 80 # if ! [ -x "$(command -v firewalld)" ]; then # echo "Installing firewalld." # apt install -y firewalld # systemctl enable --now firewalld # # Test again for the firewalld command # if ! [ -x "$(command -v firewalld)" ]; then # echo "firewalld installation failed. Exiting." # exit 1 # fi # fi # echo "making firewall opening for port 80 permanent to allow for automatic renewals" # firewall-cmd --add-port 80/tcp --zone=public --permanent # firewall-cmd --reload # echo "firewall settings modified" echo "scheduling automatic renewal of certificate" cat>/etc/cron.daily/letsencrypt-filewave<<'EOT' #!/bin/bash sleep $[RANDOM % 7200] /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet EOT chmod a+x /etc/cron.daily/letsencrypt-filewave echo "scheduling complete" echo " " echo "----------------" echo "List of files created by this script:" echo "/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/filewave-server-cert.sh" echo "/etc/cron.daily/letsencrypt-filewave" echo "Certificate for $hostname should be created. If there was an error try running:" echo 'sudo certbot -n --agree-tos --standalone certonly -d "'$hostname'" -m "'$emailaddress'"' echo 'And upon success run:' echo "sudo certbot renew --force-renewal" echo "The main reason this process can fail is if the server is not reachable on TCP 80" else echo "Invalid argument. Please run with --install or --uninstall." fi