#!/bin/sh # Get all open ports query=$(netstat -tn 2>/dev/null | grep :20 | grep ESTABLISHED) date=$(date) echo "--------------------------" echo "Server connection count: $date" stats=$(ps -C fwbooster -o %cpu,%mem,cmd) echo "$stats" echo "" # Parse and display connection count for each port parse_and_display() { port=$1 name=$2 count=$(echo "$query" | grep $port | wc -l) echo "Port $port: $count - $name" } parse_and_display 20004 "Routing Messages" parse_and_display 20014 "SSL Default" parse_and_display 20026 "FileWave Client to Booster connections using NATS Server: Remote Control Publishing, Remote Control Routing, device renaming, revoking device certificates, push notifications" echo "" echo "Booster to Booster Connections open:" port9sample=$(echo "$query" | grep 20018) echo "$port9sample" echo "--------------------------" echo "" echo "Sample of 20 clients on 20014:" port2sample=$(echo "$query" | grep 20014 | tail -n 20) echo "$port2sample" echo "--------------------------" exit