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Android 500 device limit on enrollment


Google's Permissible Usage page has updated from no explicit maximum number of devices per project (it was a soft 1000 prior, referenced below) to now topping out at 500 devices. In addition, the Android Enterprise features list (requirements) has additionally been updated from the prior 1000 devices to reflect the updated quota. 


In the past this quota was not automatically enforced, and the number of devices in the documented limit was 1000 although not ever seen to be enforced. 

The AMAPI API now enforces this quota, which wasn't the case before. The addition of two new events returned to project administrators via a UsageLogEvent, which is a collection of various events logged on devices from the use of ADB to power on/off, external media mounting, and so on, suggest the API itself has the limits baked right in:



Despite the addition of these new, actively enforced quotas, it remains possible to request a higher limit on a case by case basis. Google now provide a form to - amongst other things - "respond to a quota limit":

You can get to the form here: and request that the limit be raised by Google as a short term solution. FileWave is investigating what the longer term solution is for this with Google.