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DEP Naming

This article is for individuals who want to customize naming of DEP devices. It will cover placeholders and their ability to accept name, as well as using custom and built-in strings in the DEP profile.

Placeholders are most useful for new incoming devices where the name is highly customized. And where you want to use additional attributes like custom fields.


Step-by-step guide

  1. Generate a text file, ideally of serial numbers as one column and the custom name as the other.
    See Importing Computer Clients from a file and Enrolling Computer Clients
  2. Import any custom field values if needed
    See Custom Fields: Importing CSV for more information

Variables in the DEP profile

Step-by-step guide

  1. Generate a DEP profile
    See Working with Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP)
  2. In the naming tab of the DEP profile you can use any: 
    Built-in inventory variables (for a list of variables see Using variables in iOS/macOS Profiles )
    Custom inventory variables, using the %custom_field.INTERNAL_NAME% (see more at Custom Fields )
  3. It would also be recommended that you create an automatic DEP rule to only assign this profile to devices that have the variables set: see the example in Automatically Assign DEP profiles

Sign into FileWave Foundry and watch a video here regarding DEP Naming.