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API Improvements in FileWave v15.5.0


FileWave 15.5.0 has introduced new as well as improved public API endpoints to facilitate seamless integration with external services. These endpoints allow users to fetch results of stored inventory queries and execute ad-hoc inventory queries via the Preview API without saving them. Results are returned as JSON objects, with customizable page sizes to enhance flexibility. Detailed Swagger documentation is available, providing clear guidance on their usage.

  • /reports/v1/reports

  • /reports/v1/reports/{id}

  • /notifications/v1/notifications


These API endpoints are particularly useful when integrating FileWave inventory data with external systems. Organizations can import inventory data into business intelligence tools for advanced reporting, automate tasks requiring up-to-date inventory information, or connect FileWave with other IT management solutions to streamline workflows. Accessing inventory data programmatically empowers organizations to leverage their asset information in powerful ways, enhancing data accessibility, improving efficiency, building custom solutions, and strengthening reporting capabilities by combining FileWave data with other sources.


To fetch stored inventory reports, use the GET /reports/v1/reports endpoint to retrieve a list of all available reports. To retrieve the results of a specific report, use the GET /reports/v1/reports/{id} endpoint, replacing {id} with the unique identifier of the report you wish to access. You can customize the output using query parameters such as page size or filters.

For executing ad-hoc inventory queries, the API allows you to send queries via the Preview API without saving them. Construct your query and send it to the appropriate endpoint to receive immediate results in JSON format.

To access and manage notifications, use the GET /notifications/v1/notifications endpoint. This retrieves notifications from FileWave, including system alerts or messages, allowing integration with external systems to display or process notifications within your workflows.

When dealing with large datasets, customize the page size using Using the Command Line API to limit, sort, and offset values returned. Adjusting the page size helps manage memory usage and network load, ensuring efficient data handling in your applications.