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Sending MDM Commands


The Client Info > Device DetailsOne of athe particularpowerful client,additional contains a wealthfeatures of informationFileWave thatAnywhere, mayis bethe usefulability to repurposesend inMDM othercommands systemsto (Helpdevices.  Desks,As centralised inventory systems, etc). Usingsuch, the FileWave API,Anywhere API also has this informationincredible ability.

From, the Swagger Documentation, the following can be seen:


Note the reference to the device(s) is now by 'ids'.  This refers to the Client ID, as oppose to the Device ID, and is always an Integer.

Example data could look like:

  "ids": [
  "command": "DeviceInformation"

'ids' is a list of devices, so multiple devices could be pulledtargeted byin alternateone systemsRESTful orAPI to a file locally on the client

Since the command refers to Device IDs, it may be necessary to make 2 calls from external systems.  The first to obtain Device IDs and the second to target particular devices based upon their Device ID.

When ran through Filesets, Device ID may be sent with the Fileset as either a Launch Argument or Environment Variablecommand.


This informationis couldan beexample returnedof usinga eitherRESTful API request that is only available through the FileWave Anywhere APIAPI.


Running the Commandcommand Linefrom RESTfulthe APISwagger Documentation will show the URL path required to send a command.  For example, to restart devices:

Remove the pipe to Python if not installed.  This just displays the output as multiple lines instead of one long line.

FileWave Anywhere API from macOS orand Linux:

mdm_command='{"ids": [737581, 562620],"command": "RestartDevice"}'


curl -s -H "Authorization: $auth" \
  -X POST https://$server_dns/{server_dns}/api/inv/api/devices/v1/client/details/devices/mdm-command \
  -d "${device_id}/DesktopClientmdm_command" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  | python3 -mjson.tool

CommandWindows Line RESTful API from macOS or Linux:Powershell:

curl$mdm_command -s= -H'{"ids": [737581, 562620],"command": "Authorization: $auth" \
    https://$server_dns:20445/inv/api/v1/client/details/${device_id}/DesktopClient \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    | python3 -mjson.toolRestartDevice"}'

Note, the commands look almost identical, but just the additional /api at the beginning of the path for the FileWave Anywhere API call.

The output should look similar to the below, where an appropriate device_id is supplied:

    "CustomFields__ldap_username": {
        "status": 0,
        "type": "string",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:37:23.585851Z",
        "value": "mdm mdm"
    "CustomFields__local_ip_address": {
        "status": 0,
        "type": "string",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:49:51Z",
        "value": ""
    "CustomFields__malwarebytes_installed": {
        "status": 0,
        "type": "bool",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:49:51Z",
        "value": false
    "CustomFields__po_number": {
        "status": 0,
        "type": "string",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:49:51Z",
        "value": "54654561"
    "CustomFields__property_tag": {
		"status": 0,
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:49:51Z",
        "type": "string",
        "value": "Device Owned by FileWave"
    "CustomFields__purchase_date": {
        "updateTime": null,
        "value": null
    "CustomFields__school_name": {
       	"status": 0,
        "type": "string",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:49:51Z",
        "value": "Landing Trail Elementary"
    "CustomFields__site_description": {
        "updateTime": null,
        "value": null
    "CustomFields__textedit_version": {
        "status": 0,
        "type": "string",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-21T19:49:51Z",
        "value": "1.13"
    "CustomFields__user_role": {
        "updateTime": null,
        "value": null
    "archived": null,
    "auth_username": "mdm",
    "building": null,
    "cpu_count": 2,
    "cpu_speed": 2759000000,
    "cpu_type": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470S CPU @ 2.90GHz",
    "current_ip_address": "",
    "deleted_from_admin": false,
    "department": null,
    "device_id": "f96b8c66c50b358889ba2fbf2dc53bc21036406a",
    "device_manufacturer": "VMware, Inc.",
    "device_name": "FUSION-VM1-10.12",
    "device_product_name": "VMware7,1",
    "enroll_date": "2018-06-17T17:11:08.709785Z",
    "enrollment_state": 2,
    "filewave_client_locked": false,
    "filewave_client_name": "FUSION-VM1-10.13",
    "filewave_client_version": "12.8.1",
    "filewave_id": 219,
    "filewave_model_number": 617,
    "free_disk_space": 56772587520,
    "is_system_integrity_protection_enabled": true,
    "is_tracking_enabled": false,
    "last_check_in": "2018-06-21T19:54:31.615710Z",
    "last_enterprise_app_validation_date": null,
    "last_ldap_username": null,
    "last_logged_in_username": "dhadmin",
    "last_state_change_date": "2018-06-21T19:50:09.339609Z",
    "location": null,
    "management_mode": 0,
    "monitor_id": null,
    "operating_system__build": "17B48",
    "operating_system__edition": "Desktop",
    "operating_system__name": "macOS 10.13 High Sierra",
    "operating_system__type": "OSX",
    "operating_system__version": "10.13.1",
    "operating_system__version_major": 10,
    "operating_system__version_minor": 13,
    "operating_system__version_patch": 1,
    "ram_size": 2147483648,
    "rom_bios_version": "VMW71.00V.0.B64.1706210604",
    "security__enrolled_via_dep": null,
    "security__fde_enabled": false,
    "security__firmware_password_change_pending": false,
    "security__firmware_password_exists": false,
    "security__firmware_password_rom_enabled": true,
    "security__hardware_encryption_caps": null,
    "security__passcode_is_compliant": null,
    "security__passcode_is_compliant_with_profiles": null,
    "security__passcode_lock_grace_period": null,
    "security__passcode_lock_grace_period_enforced": null,
    "security__passcode_present": null,
    "security__system_integrity_protection_enabled": true,
    "security__user_approved_enrollment": null,
    "serial_number": "VMx4NvUkh/Co",
    "state": 0,
    "total_disk_space": 85689589760,
    "unenrolled": false

If desired, the information could be stored into a JSON file:

curl -s -H "Authorization: $auth" \
  https://$server_dns/api/inv/api/v1/client/details/${device_id}/DesktopClient \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  | python3 -mjson.tool > /my/path/device_info_${device_id}.json

The same $device_id variable has been used to define the name of the JSON file also.  Alter /my/path for a path of choice.

Obtaining Device IDs

One way to retrieve a bulk list of Device IDs is via an Inventory Query.  First make a query to include desired columns, one of which will need to be Device ID.  In the below example Device ID and Device Name have been included as columns for the Fields:


Once saved, use the details outlined in the FileWave Anywhere Documentation, to locate the ID of this Inventory Query.  The query result may then be used to pull a list of Device IDs.  From the below example, set $query_id to the value of the chosen Inventory Query:

curl -s  -H "Authorization: $auth" \
$header = @{Authorization=“$auth"}

Invoke-RestMethod -Method GETPOST \ 
    -Headers $header \
    -ContentType application/json \
    -Uri https://$server_dns:{server_dns}/api/inv/api/devices/v1/query_result/devices/mdm-command \
    -Body $query_idmdm_command

What commands are available

From the Swagger, there is the following text:

Command options can be specified in 'options' field of the request for the following commands: DeviceLock,
EraseDevice, SetFirmwarePassword, VerifyFirmwarePassword, UnlockUserAccount, RestartDevice.

Acceptable options for each command are listed in Apple documentation:

Some commands have been listed, but the link to Apple's documentation shows all possible commands:

If a new command is released by Apple before it appears in FileWave, the API should be able to trigger that command

To use Apple's documentation, navigate through the pages for the chosen command to locate the 'RequestType'.  For example, the following shows the command to shut a device down is: ShutDownDevice
