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FileWave SaaS Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement (this “SLA”) is incorporated into the Terms of Service between FileWave and Customer (the “Agreement”).

The provisions of the Terms of Service resp. End-User License Agreement also apply to this SLA.


“Designated Support Liaisons” means the two individuals specifically designated by Customer to coordinate error response and FileWave support.

*Note—Customer may request additional Designate Support Liaison(s) for an additional fee.

“Level 1 Error” refers to an error, excluding any Maintenance Period, that causes the FileWave server to cease operating, and which is likely to cause widespread or irreversible damage to the customer’s existing deployment or infrastructure.

“Level 2 Error” refers to an error, excluding any Maintenance Period, that causes the FileWave server to fail in regard to a critical or primary function in the current deployment environment, and which may cause reversible or localized damage to the customers’ existing deployment or infrastructure.

“Level 3 Error” refers to an error or product behavior, excluding any Maintenance Period, that causes a failure or undesired output from a minor component in the FileWave system, and while the error or behavior may be inconvenient for the customer, it does not cause imminent or irreversible damage to their deployment.

“Level 4 Error” refers to a minor error or unexpected product behavior, excluding any Maintenance Period, which includes user support for request of best practices, templates, guidance for deployments, or feature requests.

“Maintenance Period” means any period of maintenance on the SaaS, provided FileWave has given Customer thirty (30) days’ notice of such maintenance; provided that no notice is required for emergency maintenance.

“Response” refers to an e-mail, telephone, or in-person acknowledgment of a Trouble Ticket.

“Trouble Ticket” means a written trouble ticket properly submitted to FileWave at or by one of Customer’s  Designated Support Liaisons.


FileWave will conduct daily backups of Customer Data and will preserve only the most recent version.


Level 1 Error –  Response Time: 2 Hours.

FileWave will work to restore the server to a state of normal operation. This may be achieved using a work-around, temporary solution while a more permanent solution is found.

Level 2 Error – Response Time: 4 hours.

FileWave recognizes that this emergency may be caused by outside factors (deadlines, deployments, unexpected load) and FileWave will work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible for the customer.

Level 3 Error – Response Time: 8 hours.

FileWave will help the customer to navigate around this issue while working to determine the root cause. If the issue is found to result from a defect in the FileWave product, the FileWave support team will follow the procedures for a Level 1 or 2 incident. If the issue is found to be due to incorrect or lack of documentation, the support team will ensure the documentation is appropriately updated.

Level 4 Error – Response Time: 24 hours.

FileWave is available to help customers that may have questions regarding best practices or other issues with their deployments. They will make every effort to ensure that these questions are answered in a timely fashion and feature requests are properly documented using internal best practices and delivered to the correct departments.


Server access:

For Level 1, 2 and 3 Errors, FileWave may need access to mission critical servers and services (such as the customer’s FileWave server and related infrastructure). To assist with this support, the customer agrees to provide FileWave with system level control of FileWave servers and appliances, or to remain available during the performed work to grant access on an as needed basis for the support team. Failure to provide access to the required servers may impede FileWave’s ability to help resolve the issue.

Data collection:

FileWave may be required to capture a copy of the customer’s database and logs to further investigate the issue with the development team by using our uploader tool (UT) or by a manual process.

Environment Access:

For all levels of incidents, FileWave may require access to the customer’s environment. This access will be provided using a screen sharing tool or other remote access methodology to be determined during work on the incident.