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FileWave Version 10.0.2 (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions

FileWave Management Suite

Included in the Installer

  • Admin
  • Server
  • Booster
  • Client



  • OS X 10.9 through 10.11 (binaries are 64 bit only)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, and Server 2012 R2
  • Linux CentOS 5.11 x86_64 and 6.6 x86_64 (binaries are 64 bit only)


  • OS X 10.8 through 10.11 (binaries are 64 bit only)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, and Server 2012 R2
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • Linux CentOS 5.11 x86_64 and 6.6 x86_64 (binaries are 64 bit only)


  • OS X 10.9 through 10.11 (binaries are 64 bit only)
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10


  • OS X 10.8 through 10.11 (binaries are 64 bit only)
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

Mobile Clients

  • iOS 8 and iOS 9
  • Android 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (Jelly Bean), 4.4 (KitKat), 5.0–5.1.1 (Lollipop)

New Features

Mac and iOS

  • Support for "VPP device assignment" for OS X 10.11 and iOS 9 clients
  • Support for OS X 10.11 "El Capitan"
  • Support for System Integrity Protection in OS X 10.11:
    • Protected folders won't be modified by FileWave
    • New inventory field indicating if a Fileset has files in protected area
  • DEP profiles extended with new options
  • Support for OS X user creation during activation for DEP devices
  • Support for Apple Configurator 2.0 based auto enrollment
  • iOS Device name is changed to the FileWave Client Name for DEP Devices during enrollment
  • Support for MDM for OS X devices (installs FileWave Client directly, allows MDM wipe, lock, installation of App Store apps using VPP licenses….)
  • Support for "VPP Account protection"
  • Support for "Reply-After" message from Apple VPP service
  • Profile editor enhancements: search, filter…
  • Support for new profile payloads and extensions for existing profile payloads
  • Support for install media : install books directly into iBooks from iTunes, or let FileWave host pdf, epub or ibooks files to be installed.
  • iOS Software Update management (with iOS 9+ devices)


  • Teacher based Profiles for flexible device control

FileWave Management Suite

  • New "Observe Client" feature for Mac and Windows - completely cross platform, NAT capable.
  • Fileset dependencies - simplify your deployment process
  • Brand new UI
  • Support for SSL certificate upload for MDM (use SSL certificates trusted by Certificate Authorities)
  • Admin UI improvements: column customization for clients view, enhanced Client Info window, various fixes…
  • MSI filesets can be uninstalled
  • More admin options available via command line
  • New admin privilege for imaging associations
  • New confirmation dialog for imaging associations
  • Several enhancements for desktop kiosk: client information including a "verify" option, rich text description, menu icon options…
  • New option to configure Smart Group evaluation frequency
  • New option to transform a Smart Group into a normal group

Additional Information

Included Open Source Software

Bundled with FileWave Server

      • Apache 2.4.17 + mod_wsgi 4.4.21
      • OpenSSL 1.0.2d
      • PostgreSQL 9.3.6
      • Qt 5.5.0
      • ZeroMQ 4.1.0
      • python 2.7.9
      • django 1.6.11
      • six 1.9.0
      • nose 1.3.6
      • pyscopg 2 2.6
      • requests 2.6.0
      • pythonldap 2.4.19
      • dateutil 2.4.2
      • oauthlib 0.7.2
      • pytz 2015.2
      • Werkzeug 0.10.4

Dashboard libs:

      • angular 1.3.15
      • momentjs 2.10.2
      • ui_bootstrap tpl 0.12.1
      • boostrap 3.3.4
      • kendo ui 2015.1.408
      • font-awesone 4.3.0

Observe Client libs:

    • Vine 4.01
    • UltraVNC:


  • FW-11031: Fix VPP token dialog issue where importing a token with drag and drop would not work.
  • FW-12143: Fix focus issue in iOS Inventory
  • FW-12485: Fix an issue where FileWave would not run on Case-Sensitive Partition on OS X.
  • FW-12486: Fix an issue related to Timed Associations and reboot filesets that would not install until the client can connect to the server
  • FW-13317, 13319, 13320: Fix a few tab orders in the ui.
  • FW-13398: Fix an issue where Inventory Query based smart group could not be edited
  • FW-13707: Several improvements to Vine Server, used for OS X "Observer Clients" feature
  • FW-13717: Fix cosmetic UI issue in "Online Administrator' Dialog
  • FW-13723: Inventory Licenses are now automatically refreshed when changing VPP tokens
  • FW-13835: Fix an issue where Kiosk icon would flicker during verification.
  • FW-13849: Fix an issue where Filesets view structure would be reset to defaults after saving a fileset property
  • FW-13850: Fixed an issue where VNC service would not start on 32b Windows.
  • FW-13585: Fixed an issue related to apache (MDM/Inventory services) being very slow after some time, requiring apache restart.


  • FW-13860: Fixed an issue where sorting by device name in VPP code dialog would not work.


  • FW-13870: Fixed an issue where OS X 10.11 El Capitan clients would not report Software Update request
  • FW-13899: Fixed a possible migration issue from FileWave 9.1.1
  • FW-13907: Fixed an issue where Entreprise Apps would be reinstalled even if they are already installed, resulting on a "Cannot install the app" on IOS device.
  • FW-13908: Made sure that if a VPP license can't be assigned because the iTunes account already owns the application, FileWave nevertheless installs the application
  • FW-13911: Fixed an issue where profiles for Auto Enroll iOS group would be deployed to MDM enrolled OS X devices.
  • FW-13912: Fixed an issue caused by Observed Clients feature that would cause high CPU or even crash for fwxserver.
  • FW-13913: Fixed an issue where VPP user dialog would hang.
  • FW-13923, 13927: Fixed an issue where fetching VPP licenses from Apple Web Service after an error on Apple side would incorrectly set some information ; this could lead to useless disassociation and associations, and wrong information displayed in Fileset property.
  • FW-13925: Fixed an issue where iOS Filesets report would not be populated.
  • FW-13929: Added support for DEP automatic naming for OSX.
  • FW-13940: Fixed a cosmetic issue related to VPP sync button label.
  • FW-13942: Fixed an issue where "Use MSI Uninstaller" option would be visible for Android Filesets.
  • FW-13943: Adapt FileWave VPP after Apple's recommendations following their server issue.
  • FW-13992: Made sure the indexes are not deleted on the ios_commands table resulting in poor performance when iOS device check in.

Changes in this version

  • Removed the “Disown” DEP device feature as the feature has been made deprecated by Apple - go to your DEP account instead.
  • Prepared server components for future OS X versions.
  • Native iOS app provisioning profiles have been updated.


In preparation for version 10 — Please read "FileWave 10 - OS Version Support" to verify environment compatibility.
Your existing FileWave Server must be version 7.x or higher for upgrade to FileWave 10.
To use the new "observe client" functionality, please consider the tcp port usage article to unblock the new ports necessary for this functionality.


Please read: 
It contains important information that will help ensure your upgrade runs smoothly.  It is strongly advised that you review this for each release, since new notes or instructions may have been added.

Upgrading to FileWave 10 will require upgrades to both your FileWave Imaging Appliance (IVS) and FileWave Engage Server for compatibility


VPP Device Assignment requires that your iOS devices are upgraded to iOS 9 -- creating "VPP Device Assignment" associations to iOS 8 devices may cause loss of user data!

The new feature of VPP app assignment to devices will cause the creation of a VPP user with no organization linked to all MDM Apple devices (iOS and macOS). If you have queries that fetch the VPP users for VPP organization, you'll have to add a criteria "VPP Organization.token name is not null."

It is not recommended to convert all associations from user to device association at once, as Apple limits the number of requests per min. Read more at

macOS Downloads

OS X Installers 
OS X Upgrade Fileset

Windows Downloads

Windows Installers (Install the MDM package as well as the server package)
Windows Upgrade Fileset

Linux Downloads

Linux Installers (Install the MDM package as well as the server package)

Note: To install or upgrade the FileWave server or MDM, use the following command after downloading and un-zipping the installers:



yum install -y --nogpgcheck fw-mdm-server-10*.rpm

yum install -y --nogpgcheck fwxserver-10*.rpm

To install or upgrade the FileWave booster , use the following :

yum install -y --nogpgcheck fwbooster-10*.rpm

iOS Downloads

This is a native app version of the traditional Web Clip kiosk/app portal that is sent to devices ; it provides for a better end user experience and is highly recommended for iOS 8 devices.

iOS 7+ : FileWave Enterprise.ipa 
Static CDN URL :

Virtual Appliance Downloads

Virtual Server Appliance (CentOS)
Virtual Booster Appliance (CentOS)

For more information about importing the appliances please see: Importing FileWave Appliances