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FileWave Server on Windows End of Life

As FileWave continues to develop our industry-leading multi-platform solution, our primary goal is to make it as simple, stable, and scalable as possible. We believe the best way to provide complete support for all endpoints, develop exciting new features more quickly, and enable more flexible deployment options, is to reduce the complexity of the FileWave Server.

As a result, beginning with 14.0.0, the FileWave Server will only be shipped for Linux and Mac. Although Windows will continue to be natively supported through 13.3, we wanted to let you know about this upcoming change well in advance so that you can plan your migration.


Q: Does this change affect me?
A: If you already run your FileWave Server on Linux or Mac this change does not affect you.

To check your server OS. Click the blue status text in the bottom right corner of Admin.

The Status box will say "FileWave Windows Server"


Q: Does this affect the Admin Console, Boosters, or Clients?
A: No! The FileWave Server is the only component changing. Windows Admins, Boosters, and Clients are still fully supported and will continue to be.

Q: Can I still use my Windows hardware?
A: Yes! Our virtual appliance can run in any number of virtual environments, and your Windows hardware can host that appliance (e.g. Hyper-V, VirtualBox, etc.).

Q: Will FileWave assist me with the migration?
A: Yes! See below for information on the tools/services we will provide to make the transition as easy and smooth as possible.

Pre-Migration Discovery

With the release of FileWave 13.3, we are officially on the last version of FIleWave server that can run on Windows natively.  If you haven't begun considering the migration plan, now would be the time to do so.

To help with this whole process, we have developed an automated tool for transferring the FileWave database and all files from your old server to the new server.  That said,  we need to have a place to migrate your current server to, and we are here to help with that! We can help by planning out the migration with you on a discovery call, then later by helping you do the migration with the special tool we mentioned above.

First things first though…we need to have that initial call to discuss any concerns you may have, where we’ll move the server to, possible DNS changes, disk space requirements, migration time, and other pre-requisite needs. You can schedule these discovery calls with our team directly by connecting with Professional Services & Training and we will work with you at no cost to you. 

Once the homework/pre-requisites from that call are worked through, we’ll send you an additional link for scheduling the actual migration to occur. Thank you, and apologies for the additional work in the short term, but your FileWave environment will be happier for in the future because of this change!

  1. Be running an up-to-date FileWave Server
  2. Have a verified backup
  3. Schedule your migration (will be scheduled with you directly after the discovery)