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FileWave Server Setup

What server type is best for me?

The first step to begin your FileWave Evaluation is to determine your FileWave Server hosting preference. FileWave offers both a Cloud-Hosted server and an on-premise virtualized server appliance for either Hyper-V or VMWare.

Cloud-Hosted Server

If you desire a FileWave Cloud-Hosted server and have not already received the login information, please request a Cloud-Hosted server from your dedicated FileWave SE and they will provide you with the server's Address, Username, and Password. The FileWave Cloud-Hosted Server will be a "production" server so that any progress you make during the evaluation will persist if you choose to purchase FileWave.

Please note that choosing a Cloud-Hosted Server may be an additional cost depending on the licensing structure selected at the time of your purchase. Also, to better manage the cost incurred by FileWave during your evaluation, your FileWave SE will discuss your organization's timeline to determine the best possible start date and expiration date for your evaluation. Thank you in advance for your understanding in regards to these matters.  

Pros of FileWave's Cloud-Hosted Server

  • Near instant availability with limited setup time required
  • Managed public fully qualified domain name and SSL certificate
  • Ability to manage devices on any network with Internet connection
  • Free "hands-off" upgrades of FileWave
  • Guaranteed server uptime
  • Automated Backups
  • Low maintenance

On-Premise Server

If you desire to host the FileWave Server on-premise by installing on a macOS machine or virtualizing our pre-built appliance in Hyper-V or VMWare, please continue to read the following section.


Most steps required for an on-premise server will be in regards to your local network's infrastructure including virtual environment, DNS, and Firewall/Content Filter. If you do not have direct access to these systems, please coordinate with your Network Administrator or other qualified qualified personnel before proceeding.

Before importing the FileWave Server virtual appliance we recommend setting aside a static IP and DNS name for it. This will make it easier to move the server to another IP in the future and possible to manage off-premise devices over the Internet. Although technically possible, it is highly unrecommended to only use an IP address to reference the FileWave Server so please configure a valid and potentially potentially publicly-resolvable resolvable fully qualified qualified domain name (FQDN) for the FileWave Server.

Note that the FQDN selected must be resolvable on all network segments you plan to manage the client devices from. If you want to manage devices both on and off your network then the same FQDN must be resolvable both on and off your network. Inside your LAN this FQDN will resolve to the internal IP address of your FileWave server. Externally that same FQDN will resolve to the public IP address of the internet router in front of the FileWave Server. With mobile devices like iPhones and iPads that have a high possibility of leaving your LAN, it is essential that they be able to access the FileWave Server at all times, especially when they are off-network.

Off-Premise device management via Internet

A static IP allows you to easily forward the ports used by the FileWave server to its internal IP on your LAN, ensuring that requests from client devices are still able to reach it even when they are off-network. The following ports must be forwarded to the FileWave Server. Some of the ports such as 20016 and 20446 are optional if IT staff will only be accessing the FileWave Admin while on the LAN. A full listing of FileWave ports and port diagrams are available here.

FileWave Server Installation

The FileWave Server can installed onto any macOS 10.13+ machine with minimum specs of 8GB RAM / 4 CPU or virtualized in either Hyper-V or VMWare using our pre-built virtual appliance based on CentOS. If virtualization is available, we highly recommend using our pre-built server appliance versus a macOS machine because of the flexibility to extend allotted server resources.  When choosing a virtualization platform for your FileWave Server virtual appliance, we recommend a server platform such as vSphere or Hyper-V over a client platform like VMware Workstation/Fusion or VirtualBox. A VM server platform does not require that you be logged into a user session for the VM to be running. Also in the event the physical system hosting the VM server restarts the VMs hosted on it can also be configured start up automatically also.

Software Downloads

All software downloads outlined in the following steps can be found here. Please always select the latest version of FileWave unless instructed otherwise by your FileWave SE.


  1. Mount the the FileWave_macOS_XX.X.X.dmg  downloaded from the FileWave Software Downloads page.
  2. Double click the the FileWave Server.pkg
  3. Click Click Continue  and then then Agree  to the license.
  4. Click Click Install  and enter your admin credentials to complete to complete the installation.

macOS Server Install.png

Hyper-V Linux Appliance Import

  1. Extract the contents of the the  file to a convenient location, like your desktop, on your Hyper-V system.
  2. Launch Hyper-V Manager, highlight your server on the left-hand pane, and go to to Action > Import Virtual Machine.  
  3. Click Click Next, then then Browse, select the folder that the FileWave Server virtual appliance was extracted to (e.g.  FileWaveServer_XX.X.X), and click the the Select Folder  button.  If it reports that it can't file a VM to import follow the instructions instructions here.
  4. Keep clicking clicking Next  until you reach the the Choose Import Type  screen. Select  Select Copy the virtual machine (create a new unique ID).
  5. Continue to click click Next  and then then Finish  to complete the VM import.
  6. Select the FileWave server VM in the list of VMs and go to to Action > Settings.
  7. Click Click Network Adapter  in the list of Hardware settings for the VM and click the the Virtual switch  pull-down to connect it to your network.
  8. If there is no virtual switch available go to to Action > Virtual Switch Manager  to add one. For the connection type be sure to select select External network.
HyperV network settings.png

VMware ESXi Linux Appliance Import

  1. Log into the VMware web console on your ESXi sever, go to to Host  on the left, choose choose Create/Register VM  on the right, select select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, and click the the Next  button.
  2. At the the Select OVF and VMDK files screen screen enter a display name for your VM.
  3. Drag the the FileWaveServer_.ova  file into the blue field at the lower right and click click Next.
  4. Select the datastore where you want to to import the VM to and click click Next.  
  5. At the the Deployment options  screen select your select your VM Network  and  choose "Thin" for for Disk provisioning.
  6. Click Click Finish to  to begin the VM import. You can monitor the import by watching the the Recent tasks  pane in the the Hosts area of the vSphere web console.  After the the Upload disk and  and Import vApp  tasks are done your VM should appear in the the list of of Virtual Machines  on the left-hand hand Navigator  pane.
vSphereImport2.png vSphereImport3.png

VMware Fusion Linux Appliance Import

  1. Launch Fusion and go to to File > Import > Choose File.
  2. Select the the FileWave_Server.ova  file and click click Open  and then then Continue.
  3. Choose the path where you would like to copy the VM to and click click Save.  
  4. Click the the Customize Settings  button at the the Finish  screen to bring up the settings screen for the VM.
  5. In the the Network Adapter  section ensure that that Connect Network Adapter  is checked and then select an Ethernet based option under under Bridged Networking.
Fusion network settings.png

VMware Workstation Linux Appliance Import

  1. Launch VMware Workstation and click and click Open a Virtual Machine  in the the Home tab. Alternatively you can also go to to File > Open.
  2. Browse to the the FileWave_Server_.ova  file and click click Open.
  3. Change the storage path for the VM if desired and click click Import.
  4. Edit the network settings for the VM and ensure that that that Connect at power on  is checked and that that Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network  is selected.
  5. Click Click OK.

VirtualBox Linux Appliance Import

  1. Launch VirtualBox, go to to File > Import Appliance, select the the FileWave_Server_.ova  file, and click click Open.
  2. Check Check Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards  and click click Import.
  3. Select your the FileWave server VM and click the the Settings  icon in the icon bar.
  4. In the the Adapter 1  tab ensure that that Enable Network Adapter and  and Cable Connected  are checked and that that Attached to  is set to to Bridged Adapter.
  5. Click Click OK  when you are done.
VirtualBox network settings.png

Configuring the Linux Appliance Network Settings

Once you are done importing the FileWave Server Linux appliance, please power it on and configure the network settings using one of the guides below. Once the network settings have been configured, please create an internal DNS A-Record to set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for your FileWave Server that points to the Static IP Address configured below. If you plan on managing devices off-network, please ensure the FQDN is resolvable via the Internet and that you have the ability to obtain an SSL certificate that can protect your FQDN.

You will find two sections below, Command Line and Webmin GUI. Please select only one of the two sections based on your preference to configure the settings.

Please disregard this section if using a macOS FileWave Server as you will configure macOS System Preference to configure Static IP address.

Command Line

  1. Access FileWave Server's Command Line Interface (CLI) via direct console access or SSH using the "root" user and password "filewave".

    SSH into FileWave Server

    ssh ssh root@
  2. Change the FileWave Server's password and take note of it in a secure location. You will not see password being typed, press Enter when finished.

    Change Password

  3. Install "nano" text editor for easier modifications or use the pre-installed "vi" text editor.

    Install nano

    yum install -y nano
  4. View current network settings obtained via DHCP and take note for next section.  

    IP address and Netmask


    Gateway / Router

    ip r

    DNS Servers

    less /etc/resolv.conf

    Quit "less"

  5. Set a Static IP address, Gateway, and Netmask for FileWave Server. You will change "BOOTPROTO" and add "IPADDR",  "NETMASK" and "GATEWAY". Change values to match your network settings and leave all prior configuration the same.


    nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

    VMWare / Virtualbox

    nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens32

    Required changes (use your network settings)


    Save and quit "nano"

    Ctrl + X
  6. Reboot the FileWave Server Server 

    Reboot FileWave Server

  7. Verify DNS servers are valid.  

    DNS Servers

    less /etc/resolv.conf

    Quit "less"

  8. If DNS server are not valid or not configured, add at least on DNS server.  

    Edit / Add DNS Servers

    nano /etc/resolv.conf

    Example "/etc/resolv.conf"


    Save and quit "nano"

    Ctrl + X
  9. Ping outside address to verify Internet access.  


  10. Change FileWave Server's timezone.  

**List available timezones**

timedatectl list-timezones

**Set Timezone**

timedatectl set-timezone "America/Chicago"
  1. Sync FileWave Server with NTP time server.  
**Install NTP**

yum install -y ntp

**Start and enable NTP**

systemctl start ntpd
systemctl enable ntpd

**Force manual sync of NTP**

systemctl stop ntpd
ntpd -gq
systemctl start ntpd

**Verify time and date**


Webmin GUI

  1. At the login screen note the URL to remotely manage the server, ex:
  • If there is no IP address specified because DHCP is not available on the subnet for your FileWave Linux Appliance, login with the username "root" with password "filewave".
  • Run "nmtui" at the command prompt to launch the Network Manager Text UI so you can configure the networking for the FileWave VM appliance. You'll need to reload the IP stack with "service network restart". Skip the network configuration steps later in the Webmin.
  1. Browse to this URL and log in with username "root" and password "filewave". We will change this password later.
  2. Browse to to Hardware > System Time  on the left, pick the the Change timezone  tab on the right, pick your time zone and click click Save. North American time zones all start with "America".
  3. Switch to the the the Time server sync  tab, enter "" in the the Timeserver hostnames or addresses  field, set set Synchronize on schedule?  to "Yes, at times below", and click the the Sync and Apply  button.
  4. Go to to System > Change Passwords  on the left and select the "root" account on the right from the list of usernames. Enter a new root password, confirm it, and click click Change. Note that this will change the default password for the root account used to log into the server from "filewave" to whatever you choose so enter a secure password that is easy for you to remember.
  5. Choose Choose Networking > Network Configuration  on the left, and and Network Interfaces on the right. Click the blue link labeled "ens160" or "ens32" for the Ethernet adapter. Change the the IPv4 IPv4 address  settings to "Static configuration", enter a static IP, enter a subnet mask, and click click Save and Apply  at the bottom_._
  6. You will no longer be able to access the Webmin UI for the FileWave servers via its old DHCP IP address. Change the address in your browser's address bar to use the new static IP address for the FileWave server that you configured in the previous step. Browse to to Networking > Network Configuration  on the left, and and Hostname and DNS Client on the right. Enter the IP address for your DNS server and click click Save.
  7. Select Select Networking > Network Configuration  on the left, and and Routing and Gateways on the right. Pick "ens160" or "ens32" from the the Default routes  pull-down, enter the default gateway address for the subnet the FileWave server is hosted on, and click click Save.
  8. Go to S_ystem > Bootup and Shutdown_ Shutdown_ on the left, scroll to the bottom on the right, and click the the Reboot System  button. When asked to confirm if you want to reboot the system with "shutdown -r now" click the the Reboot System  button again.






