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Desktop File Level Filesets

Contents of a file level Fileset will be delivered to devices, with matching permissions and ownership.  The entire directory structure of the Fileset will be copied, with any directories created if not yet existing.

Example 1


Example 2


Additional items may be included by way of either the New Folder or Import Folder buttons.  Files and folders may also be added by way of drag and drop.  Other attributes may be observed and altered through the Get Info button, when an item is selected.


Beyond ownership and permissions, further options are available also, for example, ACLs, Verification and file execution (scripts and EXE files).  Verification has its own page in this chapter and is important to understand.

A selected file’s contents may be altered using the Edit Text option.  This is particularly useful for scripts, but can apply to many file types, as set within the Preferences > Editor tab.

Files may be selected and exported from the Fileset to the local device.