FileWave Client Configuration Settings
FileWave Client Configuration Settings
Configuration Settings are found in the Windows registry or macOS plist:
- macOS:
- Windows:
(32bit install on 64bit OS)
Please refer to Creating a Superprefs Fileset to find out how to change these settings on any number of clients using a fileset.
The following list shows the default settings in the left row, describes the function and valid alternative settings (native)
Basic/Minimal Configuration
server = "no.server.set" | FileWave server IP or DNS |
primaryPort = 20015 | FileWave Server Port |
fwPassword = "" | Encrypted FileWave Client Password - used for remote configuration through client monitor |
fwUser = | FileWave Client name (visible in FileWave Admin) |
Booster configuration
booster1 = "no.booster.set" | Booster 1 IP or DNS Address |
booster1Port = 20013 | Booster 1 Port |
booster2 = "no.booster.set" | Booster 2 IP or DNS Address |
booster2Port = 0 | Booster 2 Port |
booster3 = "no.booster.set" | Booster 3 IP or DNS Address |
booster3Port = 0 | Booster 3 Port |
booster4 = "no.booster.set" | Booster 4 IP or DNS Address |
booster4Port = 0 | Booster 4 Port |
booster5 = nobooster | Booster 5 IP or DNS Address |
booster5Port = 0 | Booster 5 Port |
boosterRouting = 0 | When set as 1, client connects to server through boosters, only for non HTTPS traffic (e.g. except for inventory / profile deployment ) |
connectorProbeAttemptDelay = 3 | Number of Seconds the client waits between trying to reach boosters |
connectorProbeAttempts = 10 | Number of unsuccessful connections that lead to booster being marked "offline" |
TeamViewer (was Observe Client)
vncManaged = 0 | Controls whether remote connection is allowed: * Teamviewer – FileWave 14.7+ * FileWave Client (fwcld) prior to 14.8 |
vncPromptClient = 1 | Controls whether end user is prompted to allow remote connection: * Teamviewer – FileWave 14.7+ * FileWave Client (fwcld) prior to 14.8 |
Ports the client listens on
monitorPort = 20010 | Client Monitor connects here, over the network |
kioskPort = 20020 | Kiosk / Reboot Dialog connects here, from localhost |
Client behaviour
debugLevel = 10 | Controls fwcld log verbosity; 10(normal),99(debug),101(trace) |
fileCheckInterval = 86400 | Number of seconds between verification cycles (default once every 24 hours after launch) |
freeSpaceMargin = 2147483648 | Minimum Number of free bytes left on disk so filesets can be deployed |
setUsersFilesOwner = 1 | Set ownership of Users files/folders to appropriate user |
syncComputerName = 0 | If set to 1, fwcld will query OS to retrieve computer name at startup, and use that as fwUser value |
tickleInterval = 120 | Number of seconds between attempts to contact FileWave Server for new Commands |
Location Related
locationRefreshInterval = 0 | If set to >0, number of seconds between querying the OS for location data |
deviceState = 3 | Client State, e.g.: Missing, Tracked, Untracked |
denyPersonalDataCollection = 0 | If set to 1, disables Location Services |
Obsolete / Unused keys
testMode | |
desktopOwner | |
currentFileWaveClientName | |
niceTime | |
priority | |
useSSL | |
srvPublishPort = 20005 | ZeroMQ messaging port (Deprecated from FileWave 14.8+. Removed from FileWave server 15.0 and notifications from earlier clients (pre 14.8) will no longer work at this point) |
vncRelayPort = 20030 | Port used to connect towards the filewave server to forward VNC Data (Deprecated from FileWave 14.8+) |
vncServerPort = 20031 | Local Port VNC Data is relayed to/from (set to 5900 to use builtin VNC service) (Deprecated from FileWave 14.8+) |
booster1PublishPort = 20003 | Booster 1 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8 |
booster2PublishPort = 0 | Booster 2 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8 |
booster3PublishPort = 0 | Booster 3 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8 |
booster4PublishPort = 0 | Booster 4 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8 |
booster5PublishPort = 0 | Booster 5 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8 |