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Cloudflare WARP integration with FileWave


Cloudflare WARP is a popular choice of software to deploy to devices.  This process can be simplified with FileWave.

Third Party Software
Slack is a third party application. The details provided are for example only and are unsupported by FileWave.


  • Software installer for macOS and/or Windows, PKG/MSI
  • VPP for iOS
  • EMM for Android
  • Configuration files

Information and resources are provided via the Cloudflare Managed Deployment documentation and the Cloudflare WARP Download page.


Cloudflare WARP has options for macOS, Windows, iOS and Android.


Cloudflare WARP for macOS requires the PKG installer, plus a configuration profile.

  1. Create a Fileset Group and name as desired, e.g Cloudflare macOS
  2. Download the Cloudflare PKG
  3. Drag the PKG into the FileWave Admin Fileset Group created above
  4. Highlight the Fileset Group and choose to create a New Desktop Fileset
  5. Select Profile
  6. In the Profile Editor window choose the Custom Settings Payload and Configure
  7. The profile may be built from scratch of the Cloudflare example template could be downloaded, benefitting from the 'Upload file' option within the Profile Editor
  8. If building manually, the preference domain should be: com.cloudflare.warp
  9. Edit or add/remove keys and values as required.  Details of Cloudflare Parameters below
  10. Associate the Cloudflare Fileset Group to one or more test devices and deploy once satisfied all is well
Example Fileset Group

Example Custom Settings Payload, edit details as required


Cloudflare WARP for Windows requires the MSI installer, plus an XML configuration file

  1. Download the Cloudflare MSI
  2. Drag the MSI into the FileWave Admin Fileset view, creating a new Fileset
  3. Download the mdm.xml template provided by Cloudflare or create one
  4. Create a folder called Cloudflare within the ProgramData folder of the Fileset
  5. Upload the XML file into this Cloudflare directory
  6. Edit or add/remove keys and values within the XML as required.  Details of Cloudflare Parameters below
  7. Associate the Cloudflare Fileset to one or more test devices and deploy once satisfied all is well
Example Cloudflare Fileset

Example mdm.xml file, edit details as required


Cloudflare for iOS requires the Faster Internet App, with additional configuration

  1. Purchase the free App Store App: Faster Internet through either Apple Business or School Manager
  2. Associate the App to the relevant VPP licence and sync VPP in FileWave Preferences; accepting the creation of the new Fileset.
  3. Double click the newly created Fileset and choose the Configuration tab
  4. Manually create keys and values or upload the Cloudflare example template file
  5. Edit or add/remove keys and values within the xml as required.  Details of Cloudflare Parameters below
  6. Associate the Faster Internet Fileset to one or more test devices and deploy once satisfied all is well

Example Custom Settings Payload, edit details as required


Cloudflare for Android requires the Faster & Safer Internet App, with additional configuration

  1. Choose New Mobile Fileset
  2. Select Play Store
  3. Purchase the free Play Store App: Faster & Safer Internet
  4. Double click the newly created Fileset and choose the Managed Properties tab
  5. Edit or add/remove values as required.  Details of Cloudflare Parameters below
  6. Associate the Faster & Safer Internet Fileset to one or more test devices and deploy once satisfied all is well

Example Managed Properties, edit values as required

Cloudflare Parameters

All the above example configurations will require adapting to include appropriate keys and values for each environment.  Explanations of each key and its possible requirements and values can be found in the Cloudflare Parameters list.