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Rename Windows Hostname based FileWave Client Name


This Fileset will automatically rename the Windows Hostname of your Clients whenever you rename a Client via the FileWave Admin.

With this Fileset associated, the FileWave Client Name will have the utmost precedence. For example, if the Windows Hostname is changed directly from Windows settings, Active Directory, or any other method, the Fileset will change the hostname back to what is listed as the FileWave Client Name.

You must provide a FileWave Client Name that conforms to the Windows naming convention. Please also avoid using spaces, underscores, or any other special characters that will not be directly translated in the Windows NETBIOS name. There is no name checking logic in this script.

Good name examples:

  • TCE-3453234

Bad name examples:

  • Jerry's Desktop Computer


Machines not joined to Active Directory

  1. Unzip and Import "Windows - Rename Windows Hostname (No Domain)" Fileset into FileWave Admin.
  2. Associate Fileset to one or all devices.
  3. Rename the device via FileWave Admin.
  4. Update Model
  5. Wait ~2 minutes (tickle time) for Fileset to activate.
    1. Future name changes will apply with ~2 minutes. This interval is "hardcoded" and is when Preflight scripts will launch.
  6. A pop-up will notify the user of reboot, and the device will reboot in 60 seconds.
    1. If you want to customize the reboot prompt or timeout, edit the following bold text in the "rename_windows_hostname_nodomain.bat" script:
      1. %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /r /t 60 /c "Computer renamed to %fwClientName%. Rebooting in 60 seconds." /f /d p:4:1
  7. The machine will be renamed based on FileWave Client Name upon reboot.
  8. FileWave Client communication will not be affected.

Machines joined to Active Directory

  1. Unzip and Import "Windows - Rename Windows Hostname (Domain Joined)" Fileset into FileWave Admin.
  2. Modify the "rename_hostname_domain.bat" script to update Active Directory username/password in bold:
    1. echo $user = "DOMAIN\USERNAME" > %~dp0rename.ps1
    2. echo $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString "PASSWORD_HERE" -AsPlainText -Force >> %~dp0rename.ps1
  3. Associate Fileset to one or all devices.
  4. Rename the device via FileWave Admin.
  5. Update Model
  6. Wait ~2 minutes (tickle time) for Fileset to activate.
    1. Future name changes will apply with ~2 minutes. This interval is "hardcoded" and is when Preflight scripts will launch.
  7. A pop-up will notify the user of reboot, and the device will reboot in 60 seconds.
    1. If you want to customize the reboot prompt or timeout, edit the following bold text in the "rename_windows_hostname.bat" script:
      1. %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /r /t 60 /c "Computer renamed to %fwClientName%. Rebooting in 60 seconds." /f /d p:4:1
  8. The machine will be renamed based on FileWave Client Name upon reboot.
  9. FileWave Client communication will not be affected.

Sync Computer Name
With FileWave 13.2.3+, FileWave will automatically disable "Sync Computer Name" when a client is manually renamed (right-click>Rename) via the FileWave Admin. This Fileset is made possible by a result of this change.