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Force Location for EMM Android Devices


This article will help you enable location services and opendescribes the FileWaveprocess appof enabling Location Services on devicesAndroid to start the reporting process.Devices.

The EMM FileWave client will send location every 15min but needs to be launched one time to start this process and location services need to be on to support the app.

Note that for any location services through the Android companion app tosends function,coordinates thereevery is15min, aonce configured.

A server side setting foris Androidrequired thatsince must be enabled (for versionFW 13.3.x).x.  SeeDetails relatedhighlighted article here:in: Location Tracking

Users may disable Location Services, preventing positional data being returned.  However, each time the policy is redelivered to a device (for example policy changes), the policy should re-enable the feature.


  • FWFileWave Central Admin App
  • EMM enrolled Android Device


  1. Store App
  2. CreateA policy to manage the location will be created, but this policy must reference the FileWave Client App.  To do this, there must be a Fileset for the FileWave GoogleClient PlayAndroid Store appApp.


  3. is

    Fromno FileWaveneed Admin,to create aan newAssociation mobileor filesetDeployment for this below created Fileset.

    1. SelectFrom the FileWave Central Admin App, create a New Fileset

      1. Select: Google > Android > Play Store

      2. SearchSearch, foropen and select the "FileWave" and click on it (Figure 1.1)

      3. Press the "Select" button on the right

      4. Close that windowapp

        You do

        NOT need to associate the app out to devices. FileWave does this automatically. You are only adding this application from the play store so you can select it in the policy 






    policy created
    Figure 1.1 - FW Clientactive on Playdevices.  Store

    1. Create a Fileset ForFrom the Android Policy

      1. From FileWave Admin,Central Admin App, create a newNew mobileFileset, fileset

      2. Google
      3. >

        SelectAndroid > Policy underand Android

      4. Inname the description,policy, give it a name (likee.g. "Force Location On").  Two payloads to be considered.

      5. Device Restrictions (Required)

        1. SelectHighlight "Device Restrictions" on the left and pressselect "Configure..."

        2. Alter Location Mode and Sharing to Enabled and Allowed respectively, as per the screenshot: 


        Dedicated Device (Optional)

        ChangeFileWave "LocationAndroid accuracy"App must have background running services to "Highreport Accuracy"location, (Figurenotifications, 1.2)etc.  The Dedicated Device Policy is included to ensure the App is launched at least once; a requirement for the background services to be enabled.



        Thisis settingknown tothat turnthe onApp locationhas servicesalready been launched prior, this payload is not mandated...a customer can turn their location services back off. There is no policy available to prevent this. 

        However, if you make any other policy changes to that device and update the model, this same policy will turn it back on again. (Every time the policy is changed it applies wholly again to the device)required.


        1. SelectHighlight "Dedicated Device" on the left and pressselect "Configure..."

        2. ForSet "Locked Task" change the dropdown toas "Locked Task"

        3. Select yourthe "Play Store App - FW Client" filesetFileset (Figurefrom 1.3)the list. 


      6. Assignment

        AssociateOn saving the Policy, choose to assign the Policy to devices either as an Association or Deployment and Update Model.

        From assignment, opening the Device Info for a relevant device should now show an additional tab called "Position Map".  However, until the Policy is active and the device has subsequently returned the initial coordinates, no map will yet be shown.

        If Device Info is already open, Position Map may remain this way until the Device Info window is closed and re-opened.

        The Status of the Policy may be observed from the Fileset outStatus to EMM enrolled Android Devicesview:

      7. image.png

        UpdateThe map will then display the Modeldevice location once reported.

      Figure 1.2 - Policy for Location 

      Figure 1.3 - Policy for Dedicated Task
