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Networking - Assign static IP Address for a FileWave Booster Appliance

For the Linux based Booster if you cannot use the port https://server:10000 to change network setting please follow the instructions below:


Debian Linux

Debian Linux

Changing the IP address in Debian 12, which uses systemd-networkd for network management, involves different steps compared to CentOS. The following guide is tailored for Debian 12 servers using systemd-networkd but you could also use Webmin on your server assuming the server comes online initially with DHCP.

For Webmin know that you will need to go to Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Operating System and Environment and make sure it's set to Debian 12.4 (Or whatever version we are at when you set up your system. You can see this with cat /etc/debian_version on the server.

  1. scpLocate Network Interface:

    First, identify the network interface you wish to configure. You can list all network interfaces using:

    networkctl list


  2. Configure Network Settings:
    systemd-networkd uses individual .network files for each network interface, located in /etc/systemd/network/.

    Create or edit the network configuration file for your interface, named like (replace eth0 with your interface name).

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/network/
  3. Configure IP Address:
    In the .network file, add or modify the following sections:
    Replace eth0 with your actual network interface name.
    Modify the Address with your new IP and subnet mask (e.g., /24 for a netmask).
    Set the Gateway and DNS entries as per your network configuration.

    You'll also want to edit /etc/network/interfaces because ens192 is configured there for DHCP. That's how you might have gotten to it via Webmin for instance. Edit the file to put a # before the 2 lines that have ens192 on them. Those 2 lines in the file will look like this after editing:

    # The primary network interface
    #allow-hotplug ens192
    #iface ens192 inet dhcp

  4. Reload and Restart systemd-networkd:

    After making changes, enable the Networkd service so interfaces come up at boot time, and reload the daemon and restart the network:

    sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd
  5. Verification:

    Check the status of your network interface to ensure the new settings are active:

    networkctl status eth0
    You can also use ip addr show eth0 to view the IP configuration.

CentOS Linux

CentOS Linux

Depending if you are using the appliance we offer for a CentOS Linux virtual appliance or a Linux machine you built the steps may be slightly different. The steps shown below will be for the FileWave virtual appliance that we offer.  

  1. Configure the "ifcfg-ens160" file on the server. (This file will be different if you are not using our Virtual Appliance and will have a different name like "ifcfg-eth1" for example)

    vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx.bak
  2. Then add these lines please to that file:
    • BOOTPROTO=static (dy default BOOTPROTO is set to dhcp...)
    • IPADDR=
    • NETMASK=
    • GATEWAY=
  3. edit this file e.g. with VI (vi /etc/resolv.conf) and

    Change/add thisthe line:
    following values of the file.

    1. nameserver

      Change (hereBOOTPROTO=none

    2. Add "IPADDR", "NETMASK", "GATEWAY", "DNS1" to the dns,file you might checkwith your network settingsconfigurations. )I attached a screen shot of a completed file below. (If you want to add more then one DNS server you can add DNS2, etc to the file)


    3. Save the file using "esc" then ":wq"

  4. run this

    Now commandyou forwill need to restart the changesnetwork toservices takeon affect:


    • service
      /etc/init.d/network restart