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Fileset Properties

Properties exist for most Filesets, but options displayed will vary depending upon Fileset type.

File Level Filesets include:


Additional features, including Reboot (force sub-option), priority and an option to alter the verification for the entire Fileset.  Priority offers additional control over the order of Fileset activation.


Settings defining the OS and hardware specific necessities.  Only if devices match these, will the Fileset be downloaded and activated.


Discussed in greater details elsewhere.  In essence, the Fileset will only activate if another defined Fileset instals first.

Delete Files

A Defined list of files to be removed during activation


Details shown to users via the Kiosk Self-Service menu and system tray item.

Example, File Level Requirements:

Pasted Graphic 7.png

Example, Apple App Store Details:

Pasted Graphic 8.png

Example, Apple Profile Kiosk:

Pasted Graphic 9.png

Profiles may only be a dependency in one direction, to prevent unexpected delay of Fileset installations.

FileWave has no control over the MDM protocol, but must rely upon Appleā€™s process for delivery of MDM items.  For this reason, using dependencies, an MDM Fileset, e.g. Profile or VPP App, may be defined to instal after any other non-MDM Fileset type has been activated, but does not allow other Filesets to be reliant on an MDM Fileset.