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Opening FileWave Central (Admin) in a Specific Language (macOS)


When you install FileWave Admin, itAdmin will automatically use the languagelanguage, youif havesupported, set on yourthe workstation at installation (if not available, it will default to English).  IfIt youis wanthowever to change FileWavepossible to run in another language, you have to launch Central/Admin with an argument that specifies the desired language. In this article, we will show you how to make a Shortcut on macOS that will launch theFileWave Admin in youra preferreddifferent languagelanguage, shown below, through an Apple Shortcut Menu Bar item.


FileWave Central (Admin) doesn’t currently have the option to change Language preference in the application itself.  TheOnly currentsome language optionslanguages are English,supported German,with Korean,this Japanese, and Chinese (Traditional & Simplified).method.


If you want to open the FileWave Central/Admin Application in a different Language, you would use theThe following command tomay In this article, we’re goingused to automateboth theopen processand sospecify ita opens with your preferredchosen language everyat timeruntime.  usingApple Shortcuts (formerlyapp Workflow).allows running scripts via a Menu Bar item.

/Applications/FileWave/FileWave\\ Admin --lang us_ENen_GB &

In FileWave 15.4.0, the above line will fail to launch the chosen language as is.  See below shortcut example for alternate script.

Available Language Options:

  • de_DE

  • Korean


  • Japanese


  • LanguageOption
    English en_GB or en_US

    German de_DE
    Korean ko_KR
    Japanese ja_JP
    Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) zh_TW or zh_CN



  • macOS Monterey or newer

  • Shortcuts Application (System Application)

  • FileWave Central Admin Application

Creating the Shortcut

  1. Siri Shortcut.png

    Open the Shortcuts Application on a macOS machine running Monterey or newer (macOS 12).

  2. In the Menu, under File, select New Shortcut.

  3. Name the Shortcut. InFor this example, we’re usingexample: “FW Admin (EN)”.

  4. Select Run Shell Script as the action.

  5. Insert the command belowbelow, withsetting yourthe preferred language. We’reBelow usingexample showing US English in this example.English.

    /Applications/FileWave/FileWave\\ Admin --lang us_ENen_US & 
    exit 0

    In, 15.4.0 try the following script instead.  Example using German, but alter the temp_locale parameter as required:


    current_user=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
    current_locale=$(defaults read /Users/${current_user}/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist AppleLocale)
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set AppleLocale '$temp_locale'' /Users/${current_user}/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
    /Applications/FileWave/FileWave\\ Admin &
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set AppleLocale '$current_locale'' /Users/${current_user}/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
    exit 0


  6. Under the Shortcut Details tab (ℹ️), you haveoffers options onfor how to runlaunching the Shortcut. I’veAs pinnedan itexample: pin to the Menu Bar and createdcreate a keyboard shortcut tofor quick access to the FileWave Central/AdminCentral quickly.App.

    Run FW in another lang macOS.gif

You’reAll all set!done!