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What is the difference between Revert and Restore?


Let's figure out the difference between revert and restore and when we need to use them.

Something has happened and you want to take a step back.

Maybe you have noticed under the Server menu → "Revert to Last Model"


and in the command line there is a: 

sudo fwcontrol server restore [version]

Remember: when you open the FileWave Central admin we are making changes to a future model.



Is like a typical revert you would see in a document editor and takes things back to the last saved state.

Let's say I opened my FileWave Admin and the model was currently 10 (Any changes I would be making in the FW Admin would become model 11 once I applied it by updating the model).

So I make a fileset called "My Fileset A" delete a fileset called "Old Fileset B", and change an association for "Fileset C" from being to a "Group 1" to "Group 2"

At this point – if I did select "Revert to Last Model" from the server menu – It would undo everything I did by going back to the currently deployed model 10.

IF however, I updated the model to 11 and realized I made a mistake, a revert isn't going to help me out there. As it would be reverting to 11


Restore is not a Revert but has the ability to jump back to previous models. Taking the same story from above;

Let's say I opened my FileWave Admin and the model was currently 10 (Any changes I would be making in the FW Admin would become model 11 once I applied it by updating the model).

So I make a fileset called "My Fileset A" delete a fileset called "Old Fileset B", and change an association for "Fileset C" from being to a "Group 1" to "Group 2"

If however, I updated the model to 11 and realized I made a mistake. I can restore model 10 by doing

sudo fwcontrol server restore 10

The server only keeps the last 20 models.

After the command finished:

  • I would quit admin and open it again, seeing model 10 is now restored
  • My FIleset A wouldn't be in the filesets view, but the data for it would see be on the server
  • Old FIleset B would show in the filesets view, and the data would be missing on the server
  • The association for "Fileset C" would be back to being to a "Group 1"

Restoring a previous model will not unerase a removed fileset. You need your backups for that.

Additional Information

Often if you make a big enough mistake, it is better to just contact support and have them help you get back to where you need to be.