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FileWave Client Configuration Settings

FileWave Client Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings are found in the Windows registry or macOS plist:

  • macOS: /usr/local/etc/fwcld.plist
  • Windows FileWave 15.4.2 or lower: HKLM\Software\FileWave\WinClient (32bit OS), HKLM\Software\FileWave\WOW6432\WinClient (64bit OS)
  • Windows FileWave 15.5.0 or higher:  HKLM\Software\FileWave\WOW6432\WinClient 


Please refer to Creating a Superprefs Fileset to find out how to change these settings on any number of clients using a fileset.

The following list shows the default settings in the left row, describes the function and valid alternative settings (native)

Basic/Minimal Configuration

server = "no.server.set" FileWave server IP or DNS
primaryPort = 20015 FileWave Server Port
fwPassword = "" Encrypted FileWave Client Password - used for remote configuration through client monitor
fwUser = FileWave Client name (visible in FileWave Admin)

Note: The default port setting above is 20015. However, SSL is now required, and the system will automatically use port 20017 instead when 20015 is entered. Do not manually set the port to 20017. Always enter 20015, and the system will handle the SSL port change for you.

Booster configuration

booster1 = "no.booster.set" Booster 1 IP or DNS Address - When clearing the value it should be "no.booster.set"
booster1Port = 20013 Booster 1 Port - Should be 20013 by default when defining a booster
booster2 = "no.booster.set" Booster 2 IP or DNS Address - When clearing the value it should be "no.booster.set"
booster2Port = 0 Booster 2 Port - Should be 20013 by default when defining a booster
booster3 = "no.booster.set" Booster 3 IP or DNS Address - When clearing the value it should be "no.booster.set"
booster3Port = 0 Booster 3 Port - Should be 20013 by default when defining a booster
booster4 = "no.booster.set" Booster 4 IP or DNS Address - When clearing the value it should be "no.booster.set"
booster4Port = 0 Booster 4 Port - Should be 20013 by default when defining a booster
booster5 = nobooster"no.booster.set" Booster 5 IP or DNS Address - When clearing the value it should be "no.booster.set"
booster5Port = 0 Booster 5 Port - Should be 20013 by default when defining a booster
boosterRouting = 0 When set as 1, client connects to server through boosters, only for non HTTPS traffic (e.g. except for inventory / profile deployment ) - 1 is recommended.
connectorProbeAttemptDelay = 3 Number of Seconds the client waits between trying to reach boosters
connectorProbeAttempts = 10 Number of unsuccessful connections that lead to booster being marked "offline"

TeamViewer (was Observe Client)

vncManaged = 0 Controls whether remote connection is allowed:

* Teamviewer – FileWave 14.7+
* FileWave Client (fwcld) prior to 14.8
vncPromptClient = 1 Controls whether end user is prompted to allow remote connection:

* Teamviewer – FileWave 14.7+
* FileWave Client (fwcld) prior to 14.8

Ports the client listens on

monitorPort = 20010

Client Monitor connects here, over the network


* Only on Filewave 15.5.1 or lower

kioskPort = 20020 Kiosk / Reboot Dialog connects here, from localhost

Client behaviour

debugLevel = 10 Controls fwcld log verbosity; 10(normal),99(debug),101(trace)
fileCheckInterval = 86400 Number of seconds between verification cycles (default once every 24 hours after launch)
freeSpaceMargin = 2147483648 Minimum Number of free bytes left on disk so filesets can be deployed
setUsersFilesOwner = 1 Set ownership of Users files/folders to appropriate user
syncComputerName = 0 If set to 1, fwcld will query OS to retrieve computer name at startup, and use that as fwUser value
tickleInterval = 120 Number of seconds between attempts to contact FileWave Server for new Commands
locationRefreshInterval = 0 If set to >0, number of seconds between querying the OS for location data
deviceState = 3 Client State, e.g.: Missing, Tracked, Untracked
denyPersonalDataCollection = 0 If set to 1, disables Location Services

Obsolete / Unused keys

srvPublishPort = 20005 ZeroMQ messaging port (Deprecated from FileWave 14.8+.  Removed from FileWave server 15.0 and notifications from earlier clients (pre 14.8) will no longer work at this point)
vncRelayPort = 20030 Port used to connect towards the filewave server to forward VNC Data (Deprecated from FileWave 14.8+)
vncServerPort = 20031 Local Port VNC Data is relayed to/from (set to 5900 to use builtin VNC service)  (Deprecated from FileWave 14.8+)
booster1PublishPort = 20003 Booster 1 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8
booster2PublishPort = 0 Booster 2 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8
booster3PublishPort = 0 Booster 3 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8
booster4PublishPort = 0 Booster 4 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8
booster5PublishPort = 0 Booster 5 ZeroMQ prior to 14.8