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Retiring a device from FileWave

InWhether someselling cases,or youremoving devices that no longer function or are beyond use, it may findbe yourselfnecessary to remove them from FileWave.  The following steps should assist with this process.

The basics are:

  • Ensure all enrolment configuration is removed from device or device is wiped
  • Delete the device from within FileWave

Apple Business or School Manager Specific

Where devices are MDM enrolled through a Business or School Manager account, if the devices are no longer going to belong to the organisation, they should be released from Apple.  Please see Apple's documentation to action this process:

After releasing a positiondevice, a subsequent synchronisation with DEP should remove the device from the DEP Associations Management view.

If devices are not released, after being wiped, they will force the user to re-enrol the device, if there is still an associated DEP Enrolment Profile


There are two choices:

  • Wipe devices
  • Remove enrolment, e.g. selling devices to users, allowing them to keep data.


Either locally trigger devices to be wiped or where retiringpossible, FileWave Central Admin App may send a command to wipe devices.  Update Model after actioning a Wipe command.

Not Wiping

If devices are not to be wiped, enrolment should be removed from the devices.

Device TypeApple MDM EnrolledFileWave Client Enrolled
Apple MobileRemove Enrolment Profile*
Apple ComputerUninstall FileWave Client

* Apple Enrolment Profile may be removable from Settings.

 If Apple devices are enrolled with a setting to prevent the MDM Enrolment Profile from being removed through Settings, Archiving a device issends a command to remove the wisestEnrolment thingProfile to do. Here are some steps to assist you in that process based onfrom the operatingdevice.


To Archive a devicedevice, is running.


  1. Log into ASM

  2. Search for the device by serial number under Devices on the right-hand side of the screen

  3. Click on the device to highlight it

  4. Click Edit Device Management 

  5. Choose Unassign

  6. Continue

  7. OK

  8. Go to FileWave Admin

  9. Assistants

  10. DEP Associations Mangement

  11. Hold down Option 

  12. Click Full DEP Sync

  13. Search for the device in 

  14. DEP Associations Mangement

  15. Note that it should no longer appear here

  16. Wipe the device

  17. Search for the device in FileWave Admin > Clients

  18. Single-click on the device

  19. Click Delete at the top of the window

  20. Update Model


  1. Log into ASM

  2. Search for the device by serial number under Devices on the right-hand side of the screen

  3. Click on the device to highlight it

  4. Click Edit Device Management 

  5. Choose Unassign

  6. Continue

  7. OK

  8. Go to FileWave Admin

  9. Assistants

  10. DEP Associations Mangement

  11. Hold down Option 

  12. Click Full DEP Sync

  13. Search for the device in 

  14. DEP Associations Mangement

  15. Note that it should no longer appear here

  16. You can wipe the device if you would like, however, we have a KB article with a fileset that removesopen the FileWave Client:Central Admin App, select device, right click and choose Client State > Archive, followed by an Update Model.

    Uninstalling FileWave Client


    Please follow the instructions on removing the FileWave Client

    Noe that the MDM Profile will still be on the device. It can be removed depending on the OS version. Starting in Catalina, if a profile is deployed via MDM it can only be removed via MDM. In those cases, we recommend wiping the device. Leaving it in place won't harm or change anything. 

  17. Search for the device in FileWave Admin > Clients

  18. Single-click on the device

  19. Click Delete at the top of the window

  20. Update Model

  1. Click on the Start Menu button

  2. Type remove in the search bar

  3. Choose Add/Remove Programs

  4. Scroll down to find the FileWave Client

  5. Click Remove

  6. Allow the FileWave Client to uninstall


Once devices have been wiped or any enrolment has been removed, the devices may then be deleted from FileWave.

  1. Search forOpen the deviceFileWave in FileWaveCentral Admin > ClientsApp

  2. Single-clickSelect ondevice(s) from the deviceClients view

  3. Right

    Click Delete at the top of the window

  4. Choose


  5. Update Model

WeArchived alsodevices havemay abe Removeeither deleted or left in FileWave.  Archived clients are merely fixed records, there is no further attempts to communicate with the device and they do not use up FileWave client licences.

If any enrolment configuration is not removed from Systemthe optiondevice for youprior to consider.deletion, Youthe candevice readwill moreattempt aboutto thatcheck here:back Removeand frommay Systemrecreate the device record.