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Networking - Assign static IP Address for a FileWave Appliance

For the Linux based BoosterFileWave Server, Booster, or IVS if you cannot use the port https://server:10000 to change network setting please follow the instructions below:

Debian Linux

Debian Linux

Changing the IP address in Debian 12, which uses systemd-networkd for network management, involves different steps compared to CentOS. The following guide is tailored for Debian 12 servers using systemd-networkd but you could also use Webmin on your server assuming the server comes online initially with DHCP.

For Webmin know that you will need to go to Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Operating System and Environment and make sure it's set to Debian 12.4 (Or whatever version we are at when you set up your system. You can see this with cat /etc/debian_version on the server.

  1. Locate Network Interface:

    First, identify the network interface you wish to configure. You can list all network interfaces using:

    networkctl list


  2. Configure Network Settings:
    systemd-networkd uses individual .network files for each network interface, located in /etc/systemd/network/.

    Create or edit the network configuration file for your interface, named like (replace eth0 with your interface name).

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/network/
  3. Configure IP Address:
    In the .network file, add or modify the following sections:
    Replace eth0 with your actual network interface name.
    Modify the Address with your new IP and subnet mask (e.g., /24 for a netmask).
    Set the Gateway and DNS entries as per your network configuration.

    You'll also want to edit /etc/network/interfaces because ens192 is configured there for DHCP. That's how you might have gotten to it via Webmin for instance. Edit the file to put a # before the 2 lines that have ens192 on them. Those 2 lines in the file will look like this after editing:

    # The primary network interface
    #allow-hotplug ens192
    #iface ens192 inet dhcp

  4. Reload and Restart systemd-networkd:

    After making changes, enable the Networkd service so interfaces come up at boot time, and reload the daemon and restart the network:

    sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd
  5. Verification:

    Check the status of your network interface to ensure the new settings are active:

    networkctl status eth0
    You can also use ip addr show eth0 to view the IP configuration.

Related CentOS Linux

CentOS Linux

Depending if you are using the appliance we offer for a CentOS Linux virtual appliance or a Linux machine you built the steps may be slightly different. The steps shown below will be for the FileWave virtual appliance that we offer.  

  1. Configure the "ifcfg-ens160" file on the server. (This file will be different if you are not using our Virtual Appliance and will have a different name like "ifcfg-eth1" for example)

    vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160
  2. Change/add the following values of the file.

    1. Change BOOTPROTO=none

    2. Add "IPADDR", "NETMASK", "GATEWAY", "DNS1" to the file with your network configurations. I attached a screen shot of a completed file below. (If you want to add more then one DNS server you can add DNS2, etc to the file)


    3. Save the file using "esc" then ":wq"

  3. Now you will need to restart the network services on the server.

    /etc/init.d/network restart

