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macOS and VMs

Prior to FileWave 15.3 you had a method of customizing the Kiosk that is not used in 15.3 and beyond. Some of the customizations will be ignored with 15.3, but there are things you'll want to potentially remove and you may want to stop pushing out customizations that are no longer enforced. This article is a paired down version of the old article and simply contains information on what customizations you might have had in the past so you can look to potentially remove the files/edits. 


The looknew ofKiosk requires 'Metal' support.  VMware does not support metal by default.  It is possible to add support, however the FileWavedetails desktopprovided are Beta and not only may the VM become unstable, but the host may also Kernel Panic.

Use cautiously

Without the necessary configuration, the new Kiosk waswill customizednot using Qt Style Sheets. You would have had to create a file named fwGUI.qssshow and deploy it to clients in the right location. Several icons were also customizable by placing your custom icon in the right place with the right file name. All of this can be deployed via a Fileset.

Check out Setting the Primary Color, Name and Logo in Kiosk/App Portal (15.3+) and Applications Preventing Reboot (macOS/Windows) for the things that can be customized in FileWave 15.3 and beyond.


fwGUI.qss -- You would have created a Fileset containing the fwGUI.qss and the icons, then associate it to the desired clients. The directory where these files was placed depends on the operating system. In 15.3 and beyond you don't want to push the qss file or icons out as they will have no effect on the Kiosk.

C:\Program Files\FileWave\custom (might be "Program Files (x86)", depending on the platform)

The changes will only be visible in the desktop Kiosk after the user logs outwill andshow logssomething in

2024-05-13 Bar/System Tray Settings

settings.ini -- contained generic kiosk ui settings. Especially important is that if hide_system_tray = false that you will end up with 2 icons for the Kiosk where one is the old Kiosk if you are on10:40:15.324 FileWave 15.3.

window_titlenot =acquire "YourMetal Newdevice.
Window2024-05-13 Title"10:40:25.936 show_top_downloadsFileWave =Kiosk[1241:5674] trueUnable hide_system_trayto =create falseFlutterView; no MTLDevice or MTLCommandQueue available.
  • Configuration

    The "window_title"following attributeconfiguration was displayed inrequires the menuVM barto menube itemshutdown -(not aspaused) wellprior asto inediting.

    Locate the kioskcontaining windowfolder title area.

  • The "show_top_downloads" attribute was used to hideof the topVM.  downloadsWithin UI on a per client basis.

  • "hide_system_tray" determined whether or not therethis will be ana icon.vmx displayedfile.  For example, if the containing VM Folder were called 'macOS 12.vmware, the file to edit should be called 'macOS 12.vmx':

    /Users/sholden/Documents/Virtual\ Machines/macOS\ 12.vmwarevm/macOS\ 12.vmx

    Add the following two lines:

    appleGPU0.present = "TRUE"
    svga.present = "FALSE"

    Once added, the VM may then be booted.  To remove this configuration, again shutdown the VM, edit the file, this time removing these two entries.

    Although this may work, in the system tray.  Setting 'false' will forcepractice the KioskVM crashed too often or became seemingly unusable.  Since the host may also Kernel Panic, recommendation would be to showavoid evenconfiguring withthis noon currentVM association.


    Exampledevices, Filesetsunless thatabsolutely younecessary.  mightEven havethen, usedconsider toundoing pushthis out these settings:
    Windows (64) -
    Windows (32) -
    macOS -
    macOS/Windows - Applications Preventing Reboot

Customizable icons

You might have included icon files that you used to replace them in Kiosk before 15.3. These icons will not appear in 15.3 or newer.

File nameDescriptionExamplePixel Size
action_back.pngIcon foronce the "Back" action in the Software Installation dialogDesktopKiosk-back.png48x48
action_forward.pngIcon for the "Forward" action in the Software Installation dialogDesktopKiosk-fwd.png48x48
background_icon.pngIcon used for the watermark(FileWave icon)512x512
rating_star_half.pngIcon for half a rating starDesktopKiosk-star_half.png40x40
rating_star_off.pngIcon for a rating star that is offDesktopKiosk-star_off.png40x40
rating_star_on.pngIcon for a rating star that is onDesktopKiosk-star_on.png40x40
tray_icon.pngSystem tray icon. If missing, the background_icon.png is used.(FileWave icon)16x16
warning.pngWarning icon, displayed when a filesettest has problemsbeen (e.g. missing VPP user)DesktopKiosk-error_red-cir_status.png64x64
