Missing Device Message in Kiosk for macOS and Windows
Imagine you’reAs a FileWave Administrator andAdministrator, you sometimes need a clearreliable waymethod to communicatesignal that a device is no longer available for thenormal end user to keep on using.use. The “Missing Device” message in the Kiosk is designed toprecisely dofor justthis that.purpose. When a macOS or Windows client is flagged as “Missing” in FileWave Admin,Admin—by right-clicking the device in FileWave Central, selecting Client State > Missing, and then performing a Model Update—the system automatically updates the Kiosk display with a dedicated message.alert. This messagealert can be customized withinclude a uniquecustom Lost Mode Message and aan supplementaryoptional Lost Mode Footnote, allowing your organization to provide tailored instructions. IfIn nothe absence of custom messaging is configured,messaging, the systemdefault defaultsnotification to a concise alert that states:reads: “This device is currently marked as missing. Self-service Kiosk is not available. Please contact your administrator.”
ConsiderImagine the scenario in an educational institution at the end of the school year. Devices issued to students must be returned, and as the FileWave AdministratorAdministrator, needsyou need to ensureprovide thatclear, studentsactionable are well-informed about the process.instructions. With the new “Missing Device” message, the Kiosk can displayoffers a friendly yet firmauthoritative reminderreminder—such thatas “End of Year Reminder: Please return your device to the deviceschool’s mustIT be turned in, clearly instructingoffice”—ensuring students onknow exactly where and how to return their equipment.
InSimilarly, another scenario, think aboutconsider a loaner laptop that has not been returned past its due date. TheBy FileWave Administrator can markmarking the device as “Missing” in FileWave Admin, triggering the Kiosk toimmediately show a message that not only informsnotifies the user of its missingoverdue status but also emphasizesand the urgency toof returnreturning the laptop.device.
OnIn thea corporate side, imaginesetting, a leased device nearing the end of its lease period.period The device needs to be returned sorequires a newsmooth oneturnover. can be issued. By markingMarking the device as “Missing,”Missing” triggers the systemKiosk displaysto display an alert that informs the appropriate message in the Kiosk, letting the user know thatemployee the current device is no longer valid for use and must be surrendered for replacement. This helps to streamline the device turnover process, ensuring that employees are well aware ofcomplete the lease termination and the steps required to receive a newreplacement. device.This process streamlines device turnover and minimizes downtime.
When you mark a client device running macOS or Windows is markedclient as “Missing” in FileWave Admin, the Kioskprocess is straightforward. Right-click on the device in FileWave Central, select Client State > Missing, and then execute a Model Update. Once this is done, the next time the user launches the FileWave Kiosk, the interface springs into action. The process begins with the system detecting the change in status, after which the Kiosk is updatedupdates to display the “Missing Device” message.
For instance,example, in an educational setting, the Kiosk might show a custom message stating,such as:
“End of Year Reminder: Please return your device to the school’s IT office. This device is needed back for inventory and future student use.”
This custom message canis be setconfigurable in Central Admin under Organization Info, alongwhere withyou can also add an optional footnote thatwith might include additionalfurther instructions or a clickable contact number, which appears as a clickable link.number.
Similarly,If for a loaner laptop or a leased corporate device, the message is designed to be unmistakable. In the absence of ano custom Lost Mode Message,Message is set, the Kiosk will revert to the default texttext. remindsAdditionally, userswhile ofa device remains in the missing“Missing” statusstate, the Kiosk restricts operations—preventing installations, uninstallations, and restricts access to self-service options, effectively preventing any installations or uninstalls that could compromise device recovery. This controlled environment ensuresoptions—ensuring that the device iscannot promptlybe returned and that its restricted state is maintainedmisused until it is recovered or replaced.
Notes on "Missing Device" Message in Kiosk for macOS and Windows
When a macOS or Windows client is marked as “Missing” in FileWave Admin, a “Missing Device” message will now be displayed in the Kiosk, similar to the “Device Locked” message.
The “Missing Device” message will include any custom Lost Mode Message and Lost Mode Footnote set in Central Admin under Organization Info.
By default, if no custom message is set, the following message appears: “This device is currently marked as missing. Self-service Kiosk is not available. Please contact your administrator.”
Kiosk Restrictions: While in the "Missing" state, the Kiosk will prevent installation, uninstallation, and normal access to self-service options, similar to “Device Lock” functionality.
Setting the text seen. In FileWave Central go to Preferences and then Organization Info:
If only the Lost Mode Message is set, it will display alone.
If only the Lost Mode Footnote is set, the default lost mode message will appear with the custom footnote.
If an organization contact number is set, it will be displayed as a clickable link for easy access.
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