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Part 1: Custom FileWave Client


Windows MDM with FileWave is implemented in a hybrid-mode.  That is, we can issue MDM commands (such as installing a policy), but also wish to leverage our native FileWave client capabilities.


Our first step in setting up the integration for Windows MDM is to create and publish a customized FileWave client so that our newly MDM enrolled devices will have a functioning FileWave client installed upon enrollment.


Before anything make sure that you have done following steps

  • Your FileWave server is running healthy, and backups are being performed.

  • You have valid, trusted certificate installed on your FileWave server.

  • You have at least saved FileWave preferences once (open preferences in the native admin and save it.)

    • This will set important configurations on your FileWave server (shared keys, etc.)
  • You have at least updated model once

    • This will allow FileWave's internal URIs to be in place.

After you confirmed everything is ok:

Upload fwcld msi package
  1. Open the native admin and open preferences.

  2. Go to the Mobile tab and look under the Windows sub-tab.

  3. Upload your custom client.msi package on that tab as shown below. Create this installer with the Customer Installer Builder.

Upload custom msi.png