Set the Lock / Home screen Wallpaper on iOS devices
In the Profile Editor, you can create a configuration profile that, when deployed to iOS devices, will configure the Home and/or Lock screens.
Step-by-step guide
- In the Admin console, create new Mobile Fileset> Profile
- Configure the "General" payload to give the profile a name
- Configure the "Command Policy" payload and select the relevant option in the section "Wallpaper" combo box.
- Click "Save" at the bottom left to save your profile.
Deploy the Command Policy payload to a group of test devices, and after successful installation, deploy to your wider population of devices.
Note: It is best practice when creating your wallpaper to try and create the image file as small as possible to expedite the deployment process. Also, when deploying this payload, it will execute as a command on a recurring basis (every day) to ensure that the wallpaper will be re-applied correctly.