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TeamViewer: Licensing Overview


The use of TeamViewer within FileWave is limited by the permissions of the particular administrator, and by the number of available TeamViewer licences within the account.


A FileWave Administrator must have an assigned TV liclicense action Remote Client sessions.  Each liclicense assigned 6 months at a time.

Licenses must be associated to single Administrators and not groups.  Name of Administrator must match exactly.  

Details may be found in our assignment page on this topic: TeamViewer: Assigning Licenses


Consider a setup with 2 licenses.


Assign a license to bsmith.  One month later another assign the other license to pparkerpparker.


At this point in time, in another 5 months the license granted to bsmith may be assigned to a different FileWave Administrator, but 6 months must pass before the license granted to pparker may be re-assigned.assigned

Given this, be very careful with license assignments.  Each customer will have at least 1 TeamViewer license to work with.  Additional licenses are available for purchase for additional admins.


To actually assign a TeamViewer license to an admin, you'll use the Native Administrator → Assistants → Manage Administrators menu.  You can also see how many licenses you have in that same settings area. Specific instructions for license assignment can be found here.