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13 total results found
Starter Packs
Starter Packs are for getting started with FileWave. They include things like examples of group structure for devices. They are meant to be used when first getting started with FileWave to give you a starting point.
Compliance Packs
Compliance Packs are for meeting security and regulatory requirements. They include things like deploying and reporting on the status of Microsoft Defender. They are meant to be used at any time to add to enhancing your security posture.
Software & Misc Packs
Software Packs are for various non-security software related things. They include things like installing XYZ. They are meant to be used at any time when you find that you need something from this type of pack.
Performance Packs
Performance Packs are for optimizing how you use and report on FileWave. Performance packs include content like how to deploy and configure TeamViewer or a Dashboard to report on the state of your environment. They are meant to be used at any time to improve h...
MSFT Defender Reporting - Content Pack
Description About Content Packs: FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components together. Content packs are meant to give you a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn ...
US K-12 Starter Pack
Description Starter packs are what the name implies...a great way to jump-start your new FileWave installation! Starter packs are built for selected customer verticals and provide client group structure as well as sample reports and dashboards. Note: Starte...
Business/Generic Starter Pack
Description Starter packs are what the name implies...a great way to jump-start your new FileWave installation! Starter packs are built for selected customer verticals and provide client group structure as well as sample reports and dashboards. Note: Starte...
FileWave Overview - Content Pack
Description About Content Packs: FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components together. Content packs are meant to give you a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn ...
FileWave Power/Battery Reporting
Description FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components of a complex workflow together. Content packs are meant to give you a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn...
MDM Command History Content Pack
Description FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components of a complex workflow together. Content packs are meant to give you a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn...
Windows Client Health Dashboard
Description FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components of a complex workflow together. Content packs are meant to give you a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn...
Apple Client Health Dashboard
Description FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components of a complex workflow together. Content packs are meant to give you a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn...
Software Pack for TeamViewer
Description FileWave is immensely powerful but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the various components of a complex workflow together. Content packs are meant to give a leg-up in creating distributable content and are also a great way to learn by e...