Testing that Firebase APIs are enabled for Chromebooks (15.4+)
When setting up Chromebooks you need to ensure that the right APIs are enabled. In FileWave 15.4 there are 2 APIs that are required that were not previously needed. You may have these enabled, but in order to test this we have a script that you can run for your On-Premise server. For Hosted customers this would have to be run by Support, but we may also contact Hosted customers who show it not enabled, and have Chromebooks.
You will want to run this when you are using FileWave 15.4.0 or higher with Chromebooks to check that everything is right. You definately need to enable the 2 APIs if you have not previously. You can enable them and run this test on a 15.3.1 server as well, but they are required for 15.4.0 and beyond.
Connect to your FileWave Server and paste the below in the console window. This will download a zip file from this KB and run it and let you know if everything is good.
curl -sL https://kb.filewave.com/attachments/349 | sh
When you run it if the output looks like below then everything is great already:
[centos@ip-172-30-3-201 ~]$ curl -sL https://kb.filewave.com/attachments/349 | sh
Downloading and Extract Archive...
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword `LIBARCHIVE.xattr.com.apple.metadata:kMDItemTextContentLanguage'
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword `LIBARCHIVE.xattr.com.apple.metadata:kMDItemKeyphraseVersion'
Installing Dependencies...
Running the test...
You're ready to upgrade to FileWave v15.4.0
If instead you see the below then you need to take take action:
You're not ready to migrate to FileWave v15.4.0
You need to enable the following APIs in your Google project:
- Firebase Cloud Messaging API
- Firebase Management API
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard to enable them
You may go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard and enable them as the text indicates. A more direct URL to add them to a project is https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=firebase.googleapis.com,fcm.googleapis.com which should be straightforward if you only have 1 Firebase project. If you don't really know how Chromebooks were setup in the past you could go through Chromebook Client Pre-Requisites and set it up again.