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Default TCP and UDP Port Usage

FileWave software uses the below-listed TCP/IP ports. These are default settings and may be configured to listen on different ports if required. You should also consider FileWave Server should not have IPv6 enabled for the best experience.

FileWave 14.8 through 15.0 changes are highlighted in green for additions and orange for deprecations. When 15.1.0 releases in Summer 2023 the list below will be cleaned up again to remove ZMQ ports entirely.

Port Testing

Port Testing Please consider downloading the FileWave Port Testing macOS/Windows utility to confirm communication of Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notifications, and between the device network(s) and Server/Boosters.

The following may be run from the server to confirm Apple, Microsoft, and FileWave services:

Server Command Line

sudo /usr/local/filewave/python/bin/python /usr/local/filewave/django/manage.pyc check_connections

TeamViewer Ports

TeamViewer has an additional set of ports to consider if you will be using it:

FileWave Server Ports

Default Port 20445: MDM default port is 20445 as shown throughout this KB. On older versions of FileWave, this was 20443. To confirm the defined port, check the Port setting in FileWave Admin > Preferences > Mobile > MDM Server > Port

Server PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
80HTTPTCPOutgoingFileWave Software Updates ( &
443HTTPSTCPOutgoingFileWave License Server ( &

FileWave Software Updates (

FileWave/TeamViewer Session Server (

FileWave/TeamViewer Push Notification Server (

443HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Anywhere
API endpoints - Anywhere API (v2 API)
20005SSL**TCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8 - FileWave Client to Server: ZeroMQ*


DEPRECATED FW 14.8 - FileWave Admin to Server: ZeroMQ* (Optional before v14 for Mobile Client only installs; mandatory since v14+)

DEPRECATED FW 14.8 - Booster to Server: ZeroMQ*


20006SSL**TCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8 - FileWave Client to Server: ZeroMQ*


DEPRECATED FW 14.8 - FileWave Admin to Server: ZeroMQ* (Optional before v14 for Mobile Client only installs; mandatory since v14+)

DEPRECATED FW 14.8 - Booster to Server: ZeroMQ*

REMOVED in FW 15.0.0

20015ProprietaryTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Server (Will be deprecated in a future release)
20016SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server
20017SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Server: Secure (replaces 20015)
20019SSLTCPIncomingBooster to Server: Priority Traffic
20022SSL**TCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server: NATS


FileWave Client to Server: NATS

IVS to Server: NATS

20023SSL**TCPIncomingFileWave Booster to Server: NATS
20024SSL**TCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.10 - FileWave Anywhere to Server: NATS
20030VNCTCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8 - FileWave Client to Server: Remote Control Data
20121SSLTCPLocalhostFileWave Server JSON Websockets (JWT) monitoring port for NATS SERVER (localhost only) (Added 14.10.0)
20122SSLTCPLocalhostFileWave Server JSON Websockets (JWT) connections for NATS SERVER (localhost only) (Added 14.10.0)
20124SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Server JSON Websockets (JWT) Websocket connections for NATS SERVER used between FW Anywhere and FW Server. (Added 14.10.0)
20441ProprietaryTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Server: Remote Client Monitor
20443HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Server: Profiles

Booster to Server: Inventory/Discovery
API endpoints - Command Line API (v1)

20445HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Server: Inventory

Booster to Server: Inventory/Discovery
API endpoints - Command Line API (v1)

20446HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Admin and FileWave Anywhere to Dashboard

* ZeroMQ and NATS includes: Remote Control Publishing, Remote Control Routing, device renaming, revoking device certificates, push notifications

** Only encrypted when compatibility mode is disabled

FileWave Communication Diagram


FileWave Client Ports

Client PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
20010ProprietaryTCP FileWave Admin to Client: Client Monitor: macOS, Windows & Android APK
20020Local OnlyN/A FileWave Client local loopback for fwgui process to fwcld process (Kiosk)◊

Apple MDM Ports

Apple MDM PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
443HTTPSTCPOutgoingAPNs to Apple's servers ( starting from Version 13.0+
TCP FileWave Admin to iTunes, DEP & VPP (  
TCP Device to iTunes, DEP & VPP (  
2197APNSTCPOutgoingNOT USED BY FILEWAVE. Alternate APNs to Apple's server ( - See port 443
5223APNSTCPOutgoingAPNs to Apple's servers (
20443HTTPSTCPIncomingDevice to Server: Profiles & MDM
20445HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server

Apple MDM Port Diagram

Android EMM Ports

Android EMM PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
443HTTPSTCPOutgoingServer to EMM commands (
 Device to Activation servers (*


Device to Play Store (


EMM commands (


FileWave Admin to Play Store (

20016SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server
20445HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server: Inventory


Companion App to Server: Location Tracking

Android EMM Port Diagram


Chromebook Ports

Chromebook PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
443HTTPSTCPOutgoingServer to Chrome API
TCP Chromebook to Chrome API (  
20016SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server
20445HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server
TCP TCP Chromebook Inventory Extension to Server (optional)

Chromebook Port Diagram


Android APK Ports

Android APK PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
20015ProprietaryTCPIncomingDevice to Server (Will be deprecated in a future release)
20016SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server
20017SSLTCPIncomingDevice to Server: Secure (replaces 20015)
20010ProprietaryTCP FileWave Admin to Device: Client Monitoring
20443HTTPSTCPIncomingDevice to Server
20445HTTPSTCPIncomingFileWave Admin to Server: Inventory
5228-5230GCMTCPOutgoingServer to Google Cloud Messaging
TCP Device to Google Cloud Messaging  

Android APK Port Diagram


Windows MDM Ports

Windows MDM PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
443HTTPSTCPIncomingDevice to Server (Windows MDM Enrollment URL)
443HTTPSTCPOutgoingServer to Windows MDM (*
443HTTPSTCP Device to Windows MDM (*

NOTE: The FileWave client will also install, and all previously listed FileWave client ports are also used.

Windows MDM Port Diagram


FileWave Booster Ports

Booster PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
20003SSL††TCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8.0 - FileWave Client to Booster: ZeroMQ†


REMOVED in FW 15.0.0

20004SSL††TCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8.0 - Booster to Booster: ZeroMQ†


REMOVED in FW 15.0.0

20013ProprietaryTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Booster (Will be deprecated in a future release) (Booster Priority fallback)
20014SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Booster: Secure (replaces 20013) (Booster Priority fallback)
20018SSLTCPIncomingBooster to Booster: Priority Traffic
20025SSLTCPLocalhostFileWave Booster monitoring port for NATS Server (localhost only): NATS
20026SSLTCPIncomingFileWave Client to Booster connections using NATS Server

† ZeroMQ includes: Remote Control Publishing, Remote Control Routing, device renaming, revoking device certificates, push notifications
† Only encrypted when compatibility mode is disabled

FileWave Booster Port Diagram


FileWave IVS Ports

IVS (Imaging) PortsServiceProtocolServer In/OutDescription
67DHCPUDP Client to IVS‡‡
69TFTPUDP Client to IVS‡‡
80HTTPTCP Client to IVS
111NFSTCP/UDP Client to IVS‡
2049NFSTCP/UDP Client to IVS‡
20005SSLTCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8 - IVS to Server: ZeroMQ


REMOVED in FW 15.0.0

20006SSLTCPIncomingDEPRECATED FW 14.8 - IVS to Server: ZeroMQ


REMOVED in FW 15.0.0

20015ProprietaryTCPIncomingIVS to Server (Will be deprecated in a future release)
20016SSLTCPIncomingIVS to Server
20017SSLTCPIncomingIVS to Server: Secure (replaces 20015)
20022SSLTCPIncomingImaging Server to FileWave Server NATS
20443HTTPSTCPIncomingIVS to Server: Inventory

Server to IVS

Client to IVS

FileWave Anywhere interface (Appliance only)

20445HTTPSTCPIncomingIVS to Server: Inventory

‡‡ UDP only