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Tracking Imaging and Adding Drivers (PSImage)

PSImage is not supported by FileWave Support so please do not submit tickets with them about it. The information provided here is for educational purposes only. If you would like to purchase professional services hours for consulting assistance setting up PSImage or customizing it please contact with your request. If you have existing unused professional services hours you may be able to use them for this purpose. Any feedback on PSImage can also be sent to the same email address. Any work on this would be done on Discord or in working with Professional Services. For the official Windows Imaging solution please see Network Imaging / IVS.

View imaging history

Browse to the logs folder on the psimage share or the Imaging volume of the USB thumb drive, right-click search_history.ps1, and choose "Run with PowerShell". You may need to expand the window sideways to adequately view the query results. Transcripts of each image restore operation are logged in the \logs\restore folder and named __

Beginning and ending imaging times are written to registry of reimaged client at HKLM\Software\PSImage.  The duration here only includes the post-imaging time. The name of image restored is also written here. Custom field data specified in image_mappings.txt will also be written here if the client device is reimaged using some other methods besides via fileset.

A log of the post-imaging phase is written to c:\windows\temp\psimage.log on the restored client itself. When adding custom post-imaging actions in to_do.bat have their output directed to this psimage.log file for troubleshooting purposes.

Adding drivers to boot.wim

If you find that there is no network access or degraded network access when booted into Windows PE, you may need to inject the appropriate Windows 10 NIC drivers for some of your PC models.

  1. Create c:\windows\temp\driver.
  2. On a working PC of the model you are having an issue with boot into Windows and open a CMD prompt with admin privileges to export all 3rd party drivers. If you have already extracted drivers for this PC model then just check the models folder on your psimage share for the ethernet NIC driver.
    dism /online /export-driver /destination:c:\windows\temp\drivers
  3. View c:\windows\temp\drivers or \\psimage\models and check folder names to determine which one holds the ethernet NIC drivers for your PC. Copy the folder containing your ethernet NIC driver to your desktop.
  4. Mount your boot.wim image using the instructions from Building Your Imaging Environment (PSImage).
  5. Inject the drivers for your ethernet NIC with
    dism /image:C:\WinPE_amd64\mount /add-driver /driver:C:\fully\qualified\path\to\driver\folder" /recurse
  6. Unmount and commit your changes to boot.wim using the instructions from Building Your Imaging Environment (PSImage).