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Lightspeed Smart Agent Deployment (macOS v2.3.1+ using Certificate Manager)


Need to deploy the latest version of Lightspeed Smart Agent version 2.3.1 along with your configurations. FileWave has got you covered in this step-by-step guide to creating the required Filesets to deploy to your macOS devices. Be sure that you have access to your administrative account in Lightspeed Filter app.

This KB article involves using the new Lightspeed Certificate Manager method. If using the version below v2.3.1 please review KB article here: Lightspeed Smart Agent Deployment (macOS 2023)

The new method involves using LightSpeed Certificate Manager. Certificate Manager leverages a cloud-based system to generate and monitor certificates and expiration, automatically pushing new certificate files to devices in the background (without disruption!) to ensure they always are current. In addition, Lightspeed is also leveraging root certificates for the trusting process, meaning that instead of repeatedly needing to re-trust the certificates every time they update - you now only need to trust the first time.

Note: You must use the MacOS Filter Agent 2.3.1+ to use Certificate Manager


  • FileWave Central

  • Lightspeed Relay Filter Agent PKG installer (version 2.3.1)

  • Lightspeed Root Certificate

  • Supplied Fileset and Profile

Web Content Filter - InThe creatingprofile ashould Webnot Contentbe edited once uploaded.  A bug (FW-12629) exists which prevents the Filter withinOrder FileWavebeing Centralset.  itThe changesprovided profile has this preset, but editing the UDIDFileset andwill isundo unsuccessfulthis inkey/value deployment. The issue can be resolved by re-creating the Web Content Filter in FileWave Anywhere as a workaround. The issue should be resolved in the next release. See Known Issuespair.

Download Lightspeed Relay Filter Agent for macOS

  1. Login to your Lightspeed Filter account

    1. Navigate to Settings > Software

    2. Choose Lightspeed Filter

    3. Select the Mac tab

    4. Select the version of the Relay Filter Agent by clicking on the download icon

    5. Place the downloaded Relay Filter Agent PKG into your Downloads Folder


Generating the Certificate using Certificate Manager

  1. Navigate to your Settings > Certificates within Lightspeed Filter account
  2. Click Set Up to generate the certificate
  3. Label your Organization name and enter in your number of active days for your certificate
  4. Click Save to continue
  5. Allow several minutes for the Certificate Manager to generate
  6. Click to download and confirm trust certificate
  7. Do not proceed with checking the two Acknowledgements boxes, until the certificate, content filter AND agent have been installed on your devices

Lightspeed has noted the importance of order of operations; until you have downloaded and trusted the certificate AND installed the agent on your devices, then you may proceed to complete the two Acknowledgement boxes in the macOS Certificate Confirmation step.


Fileset Group

Create a Fileset Group to hold the Filesets to be included.  At the end it will look something like the below image.



Configuration Profile

Network Settings

The provided profile contains 2 payloads: System Extension and Web Content Filter.  

Lightspeed Agent.mobileconfig

  1. OpenDownload the above payload and drag it into the FileWave Central orFileset FileWaveview, Anywhere

  2. the
  3. above

    Navigate to Filesets > Select New Desktopcreated Fileset > Click on Profile

  4. Enter the name of the Profile: General > Name: Lightspeed Agent ProfileGroup.



ImportContent RootFilter - This entire profile should not be edited once uploaded.  A bug (FW-12629) exists which prevents the Filter Order being set.  The provided profile has this preset, but editing the Fileset will undo this key/value pair.

Certificate from Lightspeed Certificate Manager
  1. Create a new Profile within the Fileset Group folder
  2. Select Certificates payloadand toConfigure
  3. add
  4. Upload yourthe Lightspeedabove Rootgenerated Trustedcertificate Certificate.into this Profile



Lightspeed Agent Installer

The provided Fileset includes a script to instal the Systemabove Extensiondownloaded PayloadPKG

  1. file.

    NavigateLightspeed toAgent System Extension Policy payload, add and enter in the

    1. ClickDrag +the toFileset addinto Allowedthe TeamFileWave Identifiers:
      TeamCentral Identifier:Fileset ZAGTUU2342Group Folder created above.

    2. Click + to add Allowed System Extensions:

      1st Allowed System Extensions:

      Enter add 2nd Allowed System Extensions with comma after 1st Allowed System Extensions

      2nd Allowed System Extensions:
      Click + to add Allowed System Extension Types and check box for Network:
      Team Identifier:  ZAGTUU2342


ConfigureEdit the Web Content Filter Payload

  1. Navigate to Web Content Filter and enter inPlace the following:

    1. file

      Filterinto Name:the Lightspeedsame Agent

      location as the .placeholder file
    2. The


    3. be
    4. Filter Options: Firewall / Filter Socket Traffic

    5. Socket Filter Bundle Identifier: 
      Socket Filter Designated Requirement: anchor apple generic and identifier "" and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists / or certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] / exists / and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] / exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = ZAGTUU2342)



The completedname configuration profile will have three payloads; these include: Certificates, System Extension Policy and Web Content Filter


Import the Relay Filter Agent PKG into FileWave

  1. Navigate to Filesets > Create New Desktop Fileset > Select MSI / PKG

  2. Navigate to your downloaded and select the Relay Filter Agent (version 2.3.1) to upload into the Fileset

  3. Please wait a few moments forof the PKG installeris toimportant.  uploadThe intoinstallation yourscript FileWaveis serverexpecting a file called SmartAgent.pkg.  Rename if required.


  4. After successfully uploading, highlight the Fileset > Select Properties

  5. Under the Requirements tab, check the box Platform and check macOS only, then under System Version and checkboxes only for macOS 12.x and 13.x


  6. Click OK to save

Note: If all of your devices are not on macOS 12 or greater, you will want to set the Requirements for the Fileset for macOS 12 and above

Editing the Relay Filter Agent PKG Fileset with Requirement Script

  1. Highlight the newly created Fileset with your Smart Agent PKG
  2. Click on Script in the menu to open Script dialogue window
  3. Highlight Requirement Scripts and click on the Create buttonLightspeedSmartAgentPKG.png
  4. Label script,
  5. Copy and paste the entire check profile script below:

    while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    	found_profile=$(profiles list all | awk -v search=$1  '$0 ~ search {print $NF}')
    	if [ ! -z $found_profile ]
    		echo "Found installed profile: $found_profile"
    		exit 0
    		echo "Did not find $1" 
    exit 1
  6. Click OK to saveensures the script
  7. Highlight the and right-click to select Properties


  8. Select the Executable tab, under the Launch Arguments tab, click on the + button to add your Lightspeed Agent Profile’s Identifier (found by double-clicking on your Lightspeed Agent Profile)LightspeedSmartAgentPKG3.png
  9. Click OK to Apply to save changes
  10. Close out Properties of the Requirement Script
  11. Click OK to save changes to Smart Agent PKG Fileset

Note: This Requirement scripts verifies that the Lightspeed Agent Profile is installed successfully BEFORE runningbefore the installationPKG.  This script relies upon the Profile ID of Lightspeed.
the supplied Profile.


When all completed,Assign the Fileset contents will include your Relay Filter Agent PKG, Lightspeed Profile and Requirement script.


Creating Fileset Group for your Lightspeed Filter Agent Filesets

Keeping your Filesets organized is good practice, especially if there are multiple Filesets for software deployment. You may create a New Fileset Group, label it Lightspeed Filter Agent (macOS 2024), and move all the Filesets you created into that Fileset Group. Then you may associate the Fileset Group labeled Lightspeed Filter Agent (macOS 2024) to your devices versus individual Filesets.


Once all the Filesets and Profile have been created, you may associate the Fileset Group labeled Lightspeed Filter Agent macOS 2024 to a few deviceseither as a test.Deployment Thisor isan Association with one or more test devices.  Once satisfied, consider assigning to verifyall andrequired confirm that the filter is installed, and filtering properly based on your configurations. For best practice, always test a few devices before mass deployment.devices.

Once that you have installed the agent and trusted the root certificate on your devices, go back to your Lightspeed Account and navigate to Settings > Certificates. Check the two acknowledgement boxes and click Save.


The Fileset Script is designed to check for the presence of Profiles prior to installing the PKG.  The provided Profile ID is already of consideration, however the newly generated Certificate Profile cannot be, since the ID cannot be known in advance.  Since both Profiles should instal at the same time, it is arguably not required to be included in this consideration.  However, for completeness, the Generated ID of the Certificate Profile could also be added.

Bundle ID

First, the Bundle ID of the newly created needs to be copied.

  1. Open the Certificate Profile
  2. Highlight the Bundle ID and choose to copy


Script Info

  1. Open the Lightspeed Agent Installer Fileset
  2. Select the '' and choose Get Info
  3. Select the Executable tab
  4. Add a Launch Argument and paste the copied Bundle ID



Related Content

Needing to deploy Lightspeed for iOS devices? Review the KB article here: Lightspeed Smart Filter Deployment (iOS 2023).

Needing to deploy Lightspeed for non-Certificate Manager? Review the KB article here: Lightspeed Smart Filter Deployment (macOS 2023)