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Understanding Similar and Identical Software Update Names in FileWave for Apple Devices


As a Unified Endpoint Management tool, FileWave manages a wide range of devices, including Apple devices such as macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS. In the Software Updates list for these devices, you may notice updates that have similar or identical names, such as "iPadOS 16.1," "iPadOSs 16.1," and "iOS 16.1." This can be confusing, as it may seem like there are duplicate updates or that the updates are intended for different devices.


This is due to how Apple publishes updates for its devices. Different devices, as well as different versions of macOS and iOS, may have updates with slightly different names. For example, an update for iPadOS may have the same version number as an update for iOS, but the names will be slightly different to reflect the intended device.


To ensure that all of your Apple devices are updated with the latest patches, it is important to enable all variations of the patch for a specific version (e.g., 16.1) that you are trying to update. This will ensure that all relevant devices receive the necessary updates. Ensuring that all of your Apple devices are up to date is crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of your organization's technology.