Add FileWave Custom Inventory fields remotely using a Fileset
Although these forms of Custom Field may still be used, since FileWave 12.7 additional new methods of Custom Fields have been introduced. The newer form allow for backward compatibility to these older Custom Fields, but provide much greater flexibility and would be recommended. Details on these may be found here: Custom Fields
Let's say you are using FileWave Integrated Inventory and you want to collect inventory data fields that FileWave does not report yet (you can check if you field is supported in the component list when you edit a query). The solution is to use the custom inventory fields introduced in FileWave version 7.0.0. There are 20 fields for each data type : String, Integer, Boolean, Date. Starting in version 8.5 the FileWave Client can accept input.
You can use this recipe to deploy a Fileset that is able to add the value you want based on a shell command. The script is already written for you and available in the Fileset, you only need to provide the command that outputs the value you want to add.
$ fwcld -custom_write -key <key_name> [-value <value_to_save] [-silent]
- FW Central
- A command that outputs needed infrmation
- Basic understanding of scripting
Built-into the FileWave Client is the ability to receive the output of a command and save that to the inventory DB.
- Determine what the output of your command is and the best place to save
String |
Integer |
Boolean |
DateTime |
custom_string_01 |
custom_integer_01 |
custom_bool_01 |
custom_datetime_01 |
custom_string_02 |
custom_integer_02 |
custom_bool_02 |
custom_datetime_02 |
custom_string_03 |
custom_integer_03 |
custom_bool_03 |
custom_datetime_03 |
custom_string_04 |
custom_integer_04 |
custom_bool_04 |
custom_datetime_04 |
custom_string_05 |
custom_integer_05 |
custom_bool_05 |
custom_datetime_05 |
custom_string_06 |
custom_integer_06 |
custom_bool_06 |
custom_datetime_06 |
custom_string_07 |
custom_integer_07 |
custom_bool_07 |
custom_datetime_07 |
custom_string_08 |
custom_integer_08 |
custom_bool_08 |
custom_datetime_08 |
custom_string_09 |
custom_integer_09 |
custom_bool_09 |
custom_datetime_09 |
custom_string_10 |
custom_integer_10 |
custom_bool_10 |
custom_datetime_10 |
custom_string_11 |
custom_integer_11 |
custom_bool_11 |
custom_datetime_11 |
custom_string_12 |
custom_integer_12 |
custom_bool_12 |
custom_datetime_12 |
custom_string_13 |
custom_integer_13 |
custom_bool_13 |
custom_datetime_13 |
custom_string_14 |
custom_integer_14 |
custom_bool_14 |
custom_datetime_14 |
custom_string_15 |
custom_integer_15 |
custom_bool_15 |
custom_datetime_15 |
custom_string_16 |
custom_integer_16 |
custom_bool_16 |
custom_datetime_16 |
custom_string_17 |
custom_integer_17 |
custom_bool_17 |
custom_datetime_17 |
custom_string_18 |
custom_integer_18 |
custom_bool_18 |
custom_datetime_18 |
custom_string_19 |
custom_integer_19 |
custom_bool_19 |
custom_datetime_19 |
custom_string_20 |
custom_integer_20 |
custom_bool_20 |
custom_datetime_20 |
- Create a fileset with a script where it uses the clients
/usr/local/sbin/ -custom_write -key FIELD_TO_SAVE_TO -value INFORMATION_TO_SAVE
C:\Program Files (x86)\FileWave\fwcld -custom_write -key FIELD_TO_SAVE_TO -value INFORMATION_TO_SAVE
- Associate this fileset
Date format may be supplied as either YYYY/MM/DDTHH:MM:SS or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. E.g 2014/02/20T15:22:43 or 2014-02-20T15:22:43
Setting "custom_bool_13" to a false:
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_bool_13 -value 0
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_bool_13 -value false
Setting "custom_bool_13" to true:
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_bool_13 -value 1
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_bool_13 -value true
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_bool_13 -value something
Setting "custom_date_02" to a date:
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_date_02 -value 2014-02-20T15:22:43
To remove any key value, just leave off the -value parameter - so to reset the "custom_date_02" value back to it's default.
$ fwcld -custom_write -key custom_date_02
Example: Saving admins to string 01
# This script is a verification sample
# benm @ fw
now=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
echo "$now -- Writing current admins to inventory"
#writes the current administrators to an inventory field
currentadmins=$(dscacheutil -q group -a name admin |grep users)
/usr/local/sbin/ -custom_write -key custom_string_01 -value "$currentadmins"
If you set your script to run at the "verification" phase then it will continue to run (default every 24hrs), for more on scripts see: Fileset Scripts.
Useful Commands
- The current logged in user:
stat -f%Su /dev/console
- The Kernel version:
uname -r
- Battery Condition:
system_profiler SPPowerDataType | awk '/Condition/ {print $NF}'
- Current admins:
dscl . read /Groups/admin GroupMembership | cut -d " " -f 2-
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