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Self-Service Kiosk Overview

FileWave supports two methods of distributing content.content Theby firstway of assignment (Association or Deployment).

Standard Assignment

When a FileWave Admin creates a Standard Assignment, content of the Fileset is directinstalled interactionautomatically, fromwithout theuser interaction.

Kiosk Assignment

When a FileWave Admin(s)Admin wheresets applicationsan and other content are associated with devices or Groups of devicesassignment as part of a centrally managed deployment scheme. The second method is by using the self-service Kiosk and allowingKiosk, the end user to choosechooses the items to be installed on their device.device, Becausethrough a self-service kiosk.

Since the FileWave processesprocess runruns at root level,or system level on computers, the end user does not need to be a local administrator in order to install applications and content through the Kiosk.

Computer Clients

User access to the Kiosk is by way of a macOS Menu Bar or Windows System Tray icon.

The Kiosk is activated on computers by installing the FileWave client and having at least one Fileset configured as a Kiosk item associated with that Client. 

If no association exists, the macOS Menu Bar or Windows System Tray will not include the Kiosk icon

If an association does exist, the icon may still not show; operating system may have rules regarding the quantity of icons displayed, for example.  If exceeded, the Operating System chooses which icons remain visible.

It is possible to trigger the Kiosk to show by way of command line, as highlighted in the following KB: Manual Trigger of FileWave Kiosk for macOS and Windows (15.3+)

Mobile clients

User access to the Kiosk is by way of an automated installed App, FileWave App Portal app.

The Kiosk is activated on a mobile device when that device enrolls with the FileWave MDM.


FilesetsAny Fileset (including App Store Apps) can be configured as Kiosk items in FileWave AdminAdmin, andeach canof which may be added to unique categories, such as a specific department or class, or just by application type.


Apple canVPP


An createApple aVPP Kiosk Filesetitem of an iOS application from the App Store. The user getscontains the link to the storestore.  and theThe application or book would beis downloaded from AppleApple, when they request it. Kiosk items can be managed using Apple's VPP Managed Distribution model so that assigned applications can be installed by a user; but returneddirectly to the FileWavedevice, Adminwhen the user clicks Install.

VPP licences can only be returned for re-useuse, atif athe laterexistence date.of any association or deployment is removed, be that standard or kiosk.

Mobile Kiosk versus Desktop Kiosk