Manual Trigger of FileWave Kiosk for macOS and Windows (15.3+)
By default, the Kiosk icon is only shown when one or more assignments between Filesets and Devices are created; set as Kiosk installation.
It may be desirable to view the Kiosk even where Kiosk assignments do not exist, since the Kiosk also shows other details, which may be useful to the user, e.g. device information.
The following provides information for triggering the Kiosk manually.
Prior to Kiosk v2, it was possible to provide a custom file to show the Kiosk icon, regardless of assignments. Currently Kiosk v2 has no similar option.
For both macOS and Windows, the executable file may be targeted directly from a shell:
macOS (shell):
/usr/local/sbin/\\ Kiosk
Windows (PowerShell):
& "C:\Program Files\FileWave\client\kiosk\FileWaveKiosk.exe"
As a script line, this isn't the most user friendly method for users to execute and of course the obvious place to have something for users to self trigger would be in the FileWave Kiosk, but clearly that is nonsensical. There are alternatives though.
There is already a KB on integration of the amazing 3rd party tool: 'Hello-IT'
Through this tool, it could be possible to provide users with another method to open the Kiosk, where Kiosk assignments do not exist:
By following the provided guide on Hello-IT, the small one-liner script could be added as one of the sub menu items. When clicked, FileWave Kiosk would launch.
A similar trick could be used on Windows with another amazing 3rd party tool: 'About My Device'
Although it doesn't immediately offer the option to add scripts in the way Hello-IT does, it can be hijacked to do so. One of the features is an option to trigger a script to provide logs:
However, by editing the configuration and script files, this could be renamed and the script altered to include the PowerShell one-liner from above:
Of course, it might be desirable to keep the option to send logs, so choose the best method for adaption to suit requirements.
Additionally, there may be other 3rd party tools that could be of consideration. Do please let other FileWavers know if other tools could be considered as appropriate or better.
1 Comment
FWIIW, tf there is ever a "FileWave client or kiosk troubleshooting" KB, then these commands should be added to that KB as well. In the past, when I approached Support when troubleshooting the kiosk, the kiosk icon should just appear. It should just work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I had a Mac laptop on latest client version and the kiosk icon did not appear in menu bar, even after reboots and numerous "fwcontrol client restart" and re-installing the client. The Mac laptop had a display notch, though we had enough room in the menu bar for icons.
The macOS command to execute the kiosk command from shell worked instantly.
Thank you for this KB!