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68 total results found
Restrictions Profile & Control Center
What Apple provides separate Restrictions profiles for iOS, macOS and tvOS. macOS Ventura has somewhat altered System Preferences and is now System Settings, aligning it with iOS. This has implications. When/Why To date, the Restrictions Payload provided ...
Homebrew Deployment (macOS Script)
Description Homebrew, or also known as simply Brew is the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux), Homebrew is able to install many tools that do not have another installer. Quite a lot of Linux based tools have a Homebrew install. This article will gu...
What is an API?
What Application Programming Interface (API). APIs programmatically provide the reading or writing of information to one or more services. FileWave has a rich set of APIs to allow customers to build connections. Some vendors also produce integrations, utili...
Command Line API (v1)
Command Line RESTful API It is probably easiest to consider this API as an interaction with Inventory Queries, allowing for example: Ad-hoc queries to be run to return results New Inventory Queries to be created The returning of Current Query results De...
FileWave Anywhere API (v2)
What Hopefully it is now clear that FileWave Anywhere (formerly called WebAdmin) functions by making API calls to the FileWave server; meaning these same API calls can be used in scripts or by other 3rd party tools. When/Why Perhaps to make automated API ca...
How to write to a custom field using the FileWave API
It is often desirable to alter FileWave Custom Field values, especially when it comes to driving automated workflows. API calls have the distinct advantage of changing Custom Field values directly on the server, essentially making the change immediate. Where...
Returning Device Information as a JSON
What The Client Info > Device Details of a particular client, contains a wealth of information that may be useful to repurpose in other systems (Help Desks, centralised inventory systems, etc). Using the FileWave API, this information could be pulled by alter...
Using the Command Line API to limit, sort, and offset values returned
Problem When utilizing FileWave's Command Line API to extract inventory information, you may find the need to limit the values returned, sort the data, or return results that are offset by a certain number of values. Because it can be a topic that can trip s...
Bulk Update the Enrollment User (auth_username) using API
What This problem and solution came from a customer who had many devices in FileWave, yet did not have the 'Enrollment User' (internally known as auth_username) populated. In order for automatic associations of iPads with Apple Classroom, devices must have an...
Working With APIs
Getting Started The purpose of this guides is two fold: First, to provide an introduction to those unfamiliar with using the FileWave API Second, to be a reference for commands that can be used within the API Command Line API refers to the original RES...
FileWave Anywhere API Documentation
What FileWave Anywhere has a dedicated documentation page, which is built by Swagger and is OpenAPI. The documentation should only list public (non-internal) URL paths. Not only does it list possible commands, but there is an option to 'Try it Out', allowin...
Sending MDM Commands
What One of the powerful additional features of FileWave Anywhere, is the ability to send MDM commands to devices. As such, the FileWave Anywhere API also has this incredible ability. From, the Swagger Documentation, the following can be seen: Note the r...
Uninstalling Filesets
Uninstalling Filesets Creating installation Filesets is one of the key aspects to FileWave device management, yet, a somewhat overlooked topic is uninstalling Filesets. This KB will aim to highlight some considerations in the differing ways this could be app...
FileWave Server On-Premise
Where servers are installed in on-premise environments, a couple of basic procedures should follow immediately. Server Name Arguably, the local server name need not necessarily matter, but the FileWave Server name is very much something to consider carefully...
FileWave Server Installation
FileWave Server is the key component to device management. The setup process will require not only a FileWave Server installation, but basic configuration will require the FileWave Central App (macOS or Windows). Some additional configuration may also be ach...
FileWave Access - Passwords
FileWave Administrator FileWave installations provide an initial user which has full permissions. On initial launch, this password should be changed as a matter of security. The default account is: Name: fwadmin Password: filewave The password may be...
FileWave Server Upgrades
Upgrading for hosted servers will be a matter of communication between FileWave and hosted customers. However for on-premise, consider the following process Upgrade Process Download the chosen upgrades from the FileWave Download Pages. This will be at th...
FileWave Server Time
Time is critical with servers and acceptance of certificates and communication. As such, it is imperative that time is kept in sync. It is possible to run one-off commands to achieve this, but better still, consider enabling automated time sync. macOS macO...
Plugin Installation
Plugins are a great way to extend the features of Grafana, optimising the Grafana experience. Recommendation is that any installed plugins are signed. All plugins from the built-in search should be approved already, but plugins are available from other sourc...
Plugin Configuration
Some plugins may require additional configuration, e.g. they require reference to additional files. An example of this is the CSV plugin by Marcus Olsson. When selecting the CSV Plugin as a Data Source, the path to the CSV file is required, with a choice of ...