FileWave Knowledge Base
Welcome to the FileWave Knowledge Base, where all documentation is published for FileWave. This page will load by default giving you helpful instructions, but you can always go to to Shelves and bookmark that as your starting point. Information in the KB is organized as you would see in a library. Shelves contain Books. Books contain Chapters and Pages. You can use the search box at the top of the screen to find answers or our AI assistant on the bottom right, seen as a blue question mark, to allow AI to find what you need.
Popular Pages
- Shelves - The list of all the areas of the Knowledge base.
- Evaluation Guide - Just getting started? This is your guide to evaluating our software.
- Downloads - The spot to download the latest releases.
- Community Engagement - A list of all the resources available to you.
- Using RSS to stay up to date - You can use an RSS reader to know what has been updated in the KB recently.
- Using Email to stay up to date - You can alternatively receive emails to know what has been updated in the KB recently.
Some Books or Pages, may not be visible unless you log in. On the top right, you can log in, and once authenticated, you'll stay logged in for 7 days. You'll also need to be logged in to use Comments on the bottom of Pages. If you are new to FileWave, contact for free access.
Reporting Issues
We want this KB to be the best it can be. If you run into an article that is wrong or information that is missing or confusing, please email or raise a support ticket. You can also discuss anything here on Discord or the Alliance Forums.
What software powers our community: BookStackApp KB, wonderchat ChatBot, wonderchat-helper tool, Zapier Automations, Premium URL Shortener, Conncord.