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IdP Redirection URL change (15.5.1+)


In FileWave 15.5.1 there was a change to the redirection URLs used for an IdP setup in FileWave so that the 3rd URL would use port 20443 instead of the usual 443 for HTTPS. 


In FileWave 15.5.1 we wanted to account for servers where port 443 was not exposed to the Internet but where clients would enroll via an IdP so a change in port had to be made. All of the setup documentation was updated, but if you setup your server in the past then you may need to update the URLs within your IdP. 


Review the IdP setup article for the platform you use (links below in Related Content) and ensure that you check that the 3rd redirect URL is using 20443 instead of 443 or it may have no port listed at all prior to FileWave 15.5.1. 

FileWave 15.5.1 and newer looks like this for the URL in question;


FileWave earlier than 15.5.1 would have had the same URL but it would not have had the port or it would have listed 443;


You will find the proper URL for your setup if you review the IdP setup and repeat the step where you copy URLs from your FileWave Server. The other 2 URLs are on port 443. For best results always copy the URLs from FileWave Anywhere as the instructions show so that you get the URL as it should be for your actual server.