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Apple Metadata Missing After Fileset Installation (macOS)


In some instances Metadata is added to items to provide additional features, however, this Metadata may not be transferred when the App is delivered as a standard Fileset.  Where this occurs, the Metadata may be re-injected using a script.  An example of this is highlighted in our KB on Deploying Folders with Icons.  

Teamviewer is another example of this.  The Quick Support version of the App has the option to include customisation, as per their guidelines.  In fact, the Tool: FileWave QS App implements this to provide branding, user name and a personalised design.

When customisation is configured on this App, the App receives additional Metadata.  If the Metadata were not restored, the customisation would be lost and the App would appear as the basic, standard looking App.


To ensure the Metadata is re-applied after installation as a standard Fileset, the following should be followed:

  • Use a command line tool to read the Metadata prior to making the Fileset
  • Create an Activation or Postflight Script, to re-insert the Metadata, as part of the Fileset

To read the Metadata, open Terminal and run the following command, editing the path to match the required location.  Using FileWave QS App as an example:

$ xattr -l ~Downloads/FileWave\ 
com.TeamViewer.ConfigurationId: idcr6bwpyh

A script may now be created to re-instate this Metadata, again changing the path if the App is installed somewhere other than Applications.


xattr -w com.TeamViewer.ConfigurationId idcr6bwpyh /Applications/FileWave\

exit 0

If using an alternative customised Teamviewer QS App, change the name to match the created App and use the reported value from the query to set the matching ID.

To ensure the script is run again if Verification actions a repair or re-instatement of the App, a Verification Script will also be required with the same contents.

On installation, all applied customisation should appear as expected. This same process may be applied to any additional Metadata that may be lost during Fileset installation.

Example Fileset

This example Fileset includes:

  • Version 14 of Teamviewer FileWave QS
  • Postflight Script
  • Verification Script

FileWave TV QS Version

When updated versions of Teamviewer FileWave QS are supplied, then the Fileset should be updated with this newer download, to replace the current application.