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Java (Windows EXE)


This recipe shows you the steps you need to follow to make a Java Fileset for Windows.


  • FileWave Central
  • Java Installer (EXE)


  1. Download the offline EXE update from: Oracle Download Page

  2. Create an empty Fileset and drag the Java install EXE to an appropriate location, e.g. ProgramData > fwEXE

  3. Select the EXE and choose Get Info > Executable

  4. Set to 'Execute once when activated'

  5. Add the below Launch Argument to silently instal and remove older installed versions

  6. TestJavaGetinfo.png

Digging Deeper 

Oracle's Configuration Documentation

Applicable to online and offline installers only (.exe files and wrappers). Enables uninstallation of existing out-of-date JREs during JRE install.


  • REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=0 leaves all out-of-date Java versions on the system.
  • REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=1 removes all out-of-date Java versions from the system.

For example, running jre1.8.0_60.exe /s REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=1 will remove all JREs below the security baseline.

JREs above the security baseline will not be uninstalled.

Details of baseline may be observed from Oracle's release notes:

Legacy Installers
Although recommendation is to always use the latest version, legacy versions are available from Oracle's archive