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FileWave SaaS Service Level Agreement

Community Engagement Cloud Hosting

This Service Level Agreement (this “SLA”) is incorporated into the Terms of Service between FileW...

Updated 1 day ago by Josh Levitsky

Cloud Hosting / Services Maintenance Schedule

Community Engagement Cloud Hosting

Maintenance This document serves as a detailed guide to the deployment and maintenance processes...

Updated 1 day ago by Josh Levitsky

Cloud Hosting Product Information

Community Engagement Cloud Hosting

Overview Imagine you're running your FileWave server on a spare computer in your office. It seem...

Updated 1 day ago by Josh Levitsky

FileWave Community Edition

Community Engagement

The FileWave Community Edition is your exclusive ticket to the FileWave Management Suite, absol...

Updated 1 day ago by Josh Levitsky

Professional Services & Training

Community Engagement

If you seek expert help with your FileWave account or need to onboard new staff, the Professional...

Updated 1 day ago by Josh Levitsky

Default TCP and UDP Port Usage

FileWave General Info

FileWave software uses the below-listed TCP/IP ports. These are default settings and may be confi...

Updated 3 days ago by Sean Holden

How the FileWave Client Communicates

FileWave Client

Enrollment At this point you have either installed the FileWave client onto a computer, or the c...

Updated 4 days ago by Josh Levitsky


Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Previously, updating one version of a software, for example, to a newer version, would require: a...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden


Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Dependencies offer a way to associate multiple Filesets with reliance upon other Filesets to be i...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Fileset Properties

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Properties exist for most Filesets, but options displayed will vary depending upon Fileset type. ...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Android Apps

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Android Filesets are created from either the public or private Play Store.  Additionally, Web App...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Apple Profile Filesets

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Profiles utilise Apple’s defined payloads, allowing management or configuration of User and Syste...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Enterprise Filesets and Documents (iOS only)

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Apps developed outside of the App Store may also be delivered to devices, where developer require...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Apple VPP Apps

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Unlike File Level Filesets, Apple VPP Filesets contain the details of the App from the App Store,...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Windows Registry

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Windows registry files may be included within a Filesets and edited within FileWave.

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden


Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

There are three primary verification settings. Each of these settings causes the related file(s) ...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Desktop PKG and MSI Filesets

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Special Filesets may be created for PKG and MSI installers.  These will automatically instal the ...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Desktop File Level Filesets

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Contents of a file level Fileset will be delivered to devices, with matching permissions and owne...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Filesets View

Filesets / Payloads Filesets - A Closer Look

Creating a Fileset and deploying to clients can be relatively simplistic, e.g. PKG, MSI or VPP.  ...

Updated 4 days ago by Sean Holden

Script Best Practices

FileWave General Info Scripting

Description Tips and tricks for running Filesets with scripts Don't put passwords in scripts T...

Updated 1 week ago by Jared Jones