Recently Updated Pages
Microsoft Defender Compliance Pack (Win)
Description This will be a guide to take FileWave usage one major step further than simply insta...
Microsoft Defender Compliance Pack (macOS)
Description This will be a guide to take FileWave usage one major step further than simply insta...
FileWave Release History
FileWave issues major releases on a roughly quarterly basis. You'll find the history of features...
FileWave Version 15.4.1 (Unsupported)
The FileWave endpoint management suite allows you to manage your devices wherever they are, where...
FileWave Version 15.3.1
The FileWave endpoint management suite allows you to manage your devices wherever they are, where...
FileWave Version 15.2.1 (Unsupported)
The FileWave endpoint management suite allows you to manage your devices wherever they are, where...
FileWave Version 15.1.1 (Unsupported)
The FileWave endpoint management suite allows you to manage your devices wherever they are, where...
FileWave Version 15.0.1 (Unsupported)
These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in...
What is an API?
What Application Programming Interface (API). APIs programmatically provide the reading or writ...
Default TCP and UDP Port Usage
FileWave software uses the below-listed TCP/IP ports. These are default settings and may be confi...
Return to Service feature for iOS/iPadOS
What Even though devices can be erased remotely, getting them back into service is a manual proc...
Migrating your On-Premise FileWave Server to new Hardware
Migration Process When looking at migrating your FileWave server we recommend contacting our Fil...
Reset root password through Webmin (FileWave Appliances Only)
When you setup a new FileWave instance, you most certainly don't want to leave the password for t...
FileWave Server Setup
What server type is best for me? The first step to begin your FileWave Evaluation is to determ...
FileWave Server Repair Permissions
What When migrating a server or simply moving files around or trying to restore from a backup y...
Open Source Software included in FW v15.5.0
FileWave is a device management solution that uses a variety of open source libraries and softwar...
FileWave Power/Battery Reporting
Description FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the v...
Business/Generic Starter Pack
Description Starter packs are what the name implies...a great way to jump-start your new FileWav...
MSFT Defender Reporting - Content Pack
Description About Content Packs: FileWave is immensely powerful, but can be daunting when it com...
Software Pack for TeamViewer
Description FileWave is immensely powerful but can be daunting when it comes to stitching the va...