Recently Updated Pages
Desktop PKG and MSI Filesets
What Special Filesets may be created for PKG and MSI installers. These will automatically insta...
Client Monitor (16.0+)
What The FileWave Client Monitor is a tool that provides administrators with real-time insights ...
FileWave Product Management
At FileWave, Product Management plays a key role in determining the trajectory of our solutions. ...
FileWave Version 15.5.2
The FileWave endpoint management suite allows you to manage your devices wherever they are, where...
FileWave Support Resources
Here you will find tools that you might use with Technical Support to troubleshoot issues and thi...
Windows Software Update Reporting
What Starting from FileWave version 14.7+ there is a better overview of updates that should be d...
Apple MDM OS Software Updates
What All MDM configured devices will report and receive Software Updates via MDM. This is the sa...
OS Software Updates
Stay Patched with FileWave Keeping your Windows, macOS, iOS, and tvOS device's operating syste...
Working with FileWave Clients
Once the various devices have the FileWave Client installed, and they are enrolled with your File...
Missing Device Message in Kiosk for macOS and Windows (16.0+)
What As a FileWave Administrator, you sometimes need a reliable method to signal that a device i...
TeamViewer: macOS Client Setup
What FileWave's TeamViewer integration requires endpoint prerequisites on each supported platfor...
Default TCP and UDP Port Usage
FileWave software uses the below-listed TCP/IP ports. These are default settings and may be confi...
Naming conventions and acronyms
What FileWave Knowledge Base articles will sometimes use acronyms, and occasionally we may miss ...
FileVault 2 enabled on macOS ADE enrollment
What Once you have started down the road of using FileVault to secure your data with FileVault -...
FileVault - Getting Started
Please NoteSetting up FileVault 2 with FileWave is supported with MDM enrolled macOS devices only...
Open Source Software included in FW v16.0.0
FileWave is a device management solution that uses a variety of open source libraries and softwar...
Force Enable Notifications on iOS and macOS for FileWave Kiosk
What To ensure that notifications from the FileWave Kiosk and End User Notifications are consist...
FileWave End-User Notifications (15.5+)
What With the release of FileWave version 15.5.0 and onward, administrators can now send custom ...
Troubleshooting Deployment Issues with the FileWave Upgrade Fileset
If you’re experiencing issues deploying the Upgrade Fileset to devices, the resolution steps depe...
How to Import a Content Pack
What Content Packs are a great add-on for FileWave to give you fully pre-built solutions that yo...