Recently Updated Pages
Rufus - Creating bootable USB drives
What In this article, we will explain how to use Rufus, a free and open-source utility that help...
Setting the Password on First Login to FileWave Appliances (15.5+)
What Starting from FileWave version 15.5.0, there have been important changes to the default log...
Naming conventions and acronyms
What FileWave Knowledge Base articles will sometimes use acronyms, and occasionally we may miss ...
Importing FileWave Virtual Appliance - Hyper-V
FileWave's Hyper-V VMs are usually built using the latest version of Hyper-V, typically the same ...
Technical Support Tools
About These are the FileWave Automated tools. We provide these scripts and automation tools to o...
Allow External Devices to Connect to the FileWave Server and Boosters
Now that most Organizations are supporting E-Learn and/or remote work environments, you may want ...
What languages does FileWave support?
What FileWave is a Unified Endpoint Management tool that allows users to manage and deploy updat...
Troubleshooting Deployment Issues with the FileWave Upgrade Fileset
If you’re experiencing issues deploying the Upgrade Fileset to devices, the resolution steps depe...
Nudge for macOS Software Updates
What Nudge is a tool designed for macOS Big Sur 11 and later. It is a multi-linguistic applicat...
FileWave Anywhere Overview
The FileWave Anywhere interface is an Inventory tool designed to help with quick FileWave invento...
FileWave Known Issues
Here you will find known issues in FileWave along with workarounds. FileWave v15.5.x Known Iss...
FileWave Knowledge Base
Welcome Welcome to the FileWave Knowledge Base, where all documentation is published for FileWav...
Customer Technical Support
Contacting Support Do you require technical assistance or have any questions? We recommend using...
FileWave Community Edition
The FileWave Community Edition is your exclusive ticket to the FileWave Management Suite, absol...
Let's Encrypt Setup for FileWave Server (Debian)
What This Knowledge Base (KB) article discusses the use of a shell script to automate the proces...
Executing a Client-Side Script-Based Verification
What The "verify" option of the fwGUI client application allows you to run a "verify" from the c...
Inventory-only Clients
Management Mode A new flag has been added to computer Clients. It has two values: Managed (norma...
Filewave Firewall Scripts for Windows
Summary FileWave Installers by default leave Windows Firewall settings untouched. This article p...
Placeholders Placeholders for computers and mobile devices are useful in many situations where y...
Locking Devices
What is it? What are device locks? What is the difference between "Lock" and "Lock Devices" The...