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FileWave General Info

Associations to Deployments Strategy Guide

Filesets / Payloads

Deployments are the replacement for Associations as you move forward with FileWave in future. Deployments allow you to set rules for content delivery just as associations do, but deployments also allow you to group “associations” into one place to edit and or...

Configuration Service Providers (Profiles)

Microsoft Windows MDM

Windows MDM uses CSPs which are profiles that configure Windows.

Deployment and Workflow (PSImage)

PSImage - Alternative Windows Imaging




Agnosys was founded on April 7, 1999. Agnosys is a Qualiopi Certified Authorized Training Center, a member of the Apple Consultants Network (ACN). Agnosys' core business is training on Apple technologies. They offer a range of trainings in support, integration...



FileWave Central / Anywhere

FileWave Server Installation & Upgrade

FileWave Server

5.0 Grafana Plugins

Dashboard (Grafana)

Open Source Software used in FileWave


What versions of Open Source Software (OSS) are used in FileWave.

Customising iOS Wallpaper

iOS / iPadOS

Block OS Updates and Installers

Software Updates (Apple)

Whist iOS/iPadOS may only be updated using Settings, macOS can alternatively be updated using the macOS Installer. The following articles demonstrate blocking both methods.

Google Chrome (macOS)

Software Deployment Recipes (macOS)

Starter Packs

Content Packs

Starter Packs are for getting started with FileWave. They include things like examples of group structure for devices. They are meant to be used when first getting started with FileWave to give you a starting point.

Content Pack Type

Compliance Packs

Content Packs

Compliance Packs are for meeting security and regulatory requirements. They include things like deploying and reporting on the status of Microsoft Defender. They are meant to be used at any time to add to enhancing your security posture.

Content Pack Type

Performance Packs

Content Packs

Performance Packs are for optimizing how you use and report on FileWave. Performance packs include content like how to deploy and configure TeamViewer or a Dashboard to report on the state of your environment. They are meant to be used at any time to improve h...

Content Pack Type

Software & Misc Packs

Content Packs

Software Packs are for various non-security software related things. They include things like installing XYZ. They are meant to be used at any time when you find that you need something from this type of pack.

Content Pack Type



Offboarding Clients

FileWave Client

Filesets - A Closer Look

Filesets / Payloads

Contents, Properties, Settings, Revisions and Dependencies

Desktop A-Game

Top Tips

FileWave Version 13.2.3 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions FileWave Manageme...

FileWave Version 13.3.1 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions FileWave Manageme...

FileWave Version 14.0.2 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions FileWave Manageme...

FileWave Version 14.5.4 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions FileWave Manageme...

FileWave Version 14.6.3 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior.  They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions macOS Installe...

FileWave Version 14.7.2 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions macOS Installers ...

FileWave Version 14.8.0 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions macOS Installers ...

FileWave Version 14.9.3 (Unsupported)

Downloads Archived FileWave Versions (Unsupported)

These downloads are provided for the purposes of migrations and should not continue to be used in production. You should upgrade to either the most recent release or the one prior. They can always be found here: Supported FileWave Versions macOS Installers ...

Hardware Encryption Capabilities for Apple Hardware

Apple General Info

What From a security perspective, it is important to understand the encryption capabilities of devices.  When/Why In FileWave 14.6.0 some reporting was added to report on HardWareEncryptionCaps (

Apple Software Lookup Service (GDMF) option for OS updates

Software Updates (Apple)

What Before FileWave 14.7+ the MDM protocol only displayed updates reported by devices. Apple's GDMF allows FileWave to display all currently available updates.  The former only allowed for installing the latest version reported by the device, while GDMF prov...

Software Updates in the age of macOS MDM (Big Sur v11.0+ / iOS 15+)

Software Updates (Apple)

What For many years now, FileWave has leveraged the Software Update tool on macOS devices to evaluate and to deploy software updates.  With the release of macOS 11 (Big Sur) this behavior has changed somewhat. When/Why We'll still want to deploy software up...

Nudge for macOS Software Updates

Software Updates (Apple)

What Nudge is a tool designed for macOS Big Sur 11 and later.  It is a multi-linguistic application offering custom user deferrals, strongly encouraging users to self update macOS. This macOS application helps users stay up-to-date with software updates and ...


Chromebook Client Pre-Requisites

Evaluation Guide 2. Client Pre-Requisites

Before beginning the setup of the Chromebooks, we must first provide you with a temporary Activation Code to license the amount Chromebooks you currently have under management in Google Admin Console. Please email the total number of "Provisioned" Chromebooks ...

Windows Client Pre-Requisites

Evaluation Guide 2. Client Pre-Requisites

All you need to do to enroll a Windows Client is to deploy a customized FileWave Client MSI to your machines. We typically recommend using an existing tool capable of deploying a MSI such as Group Policy. This customized MSI can also be "baked" into a Window...

FileWave Version

Android Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

Enrolling Android devices to FileWave If you haven't already, please consult the Client Pre-Requisites > Android section to learn how to enroll Android EMM devices into FileWave. There are several ways to enroll Androi...

Apple DEP Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

Benefits of DEP Enrollment iOS, tvOS, and macOS can all take advantage of Apple DEP enrollment. DEP enrollments will force a specific set of preferences on the device and force enrollment to FileWave any time the device is Factory Reset. Another huge benefi...

Apple Manual Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

Not able to use DEP? Apple's Device Enrollment Program is great but you may find that all or some of your devices aren't showing in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager. Devices are usually excluded because they were not purchased directly from Ap...

Chromebook Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

How to enroll Chromebooks into FileWave If you haven't already, please consult the Platform Integrations > Chromebooks section to learn how to sync Google Admin Console with FileWave. Once this sync has completed, all of your "Provisioned" Chromebooks will ...

Windows Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

How to enroll Windows Clients into FileWave If you haven't already, please consult the Platform Integrations > Windows section for guidance on how to install the Windows FileWave client. If your organization uses Microsoft Entra ID and your users authentica...

Fileset Creation and Deployment

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

Section Details Please review the sub-sections in this "Fileset Creation and Deployment" guide for your managed OS platforms. Once you have you have at least one Fileset created, please review this page to see how to Associate your Filesets. Windows Soft...