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FileWave Kiosk for macOS and Windows overview (15.3+)


This article will explain the details of the refreshed Kiosk for macOS and Windows that is includ...

Updated 5 months ago by Ajla Alic

Troubleshooting dead MDM Client on macOS using launchctl kickstart Command

Software Updates (Apple)

As a warning the workaround listed in this article has been identified as not being recommended b...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. for macOS Software Updates (macOS Script)

Software Updates (Apple)

What is S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N.? S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. (Software Update Policy Enforcement with Recursive Me...

Updated 5 months ago by Zachary Butterfield

macOS Erase and Install Fileset (Erase Optional)

Software Updates (Apple)

Description Upgrading or refreshing macOS from erasing requires the macOS Install App.  The foll...

Updated 5 months ago by Sean Holden

Alternate macOS Software Update Method (Legacy)

Software Updates (Apple)

Description FileWave server automatically pulls OS Update Catalogs for computers and these are m...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Reported Issues with macOS Software Updates

Software Updates (Apple)

Summary Many of our customers have reported issues related to Software Updates on macOS recently...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

FileWave and AutoPkg

Software Updates (Apple)

Software updates that come from Apple and Microsoft are sufficient for keeping operating systems ...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Software Updates in the age of macOS MDM (Big Sur v11.0+ / iOS 15+)

Software Updates (Apple)

What For many years now, FileWave has leveraged the Software Update tool on macOS devices to eva...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Apple Software Lookup Service (GDMF) option for OS updates

Software Updates (Apple)

What Before FileWave 14.7+ the MDM protocol only displayed updates reported by devices. Apple's ...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Apple's Rapid Security Response Software Updates

Software Updates (Apple)

What Apple is known for its high standards of security and privacy for its users. However, no sy...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Upgrading your On-Premise FileWave Server

FileWave Server

What Needing to upgrade your on-premise FileWave server? This guide will go over the steps invol...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Your Hosted FileWave Server Has Been Upgraded - What Are Your Next Steps?

FileWave Server

What The FileWave OPS Team has upgraded your FileWave server; What steps do you need to take to ...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

FileWave Boosters Improved Server Message Routing (15.3+)


What FileWave 11 introduced Booster Routing, a feature that allows off-loading direct traffic to...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Google Admin Sync Interval for ChromeOS (15.3+)


What As an administrator managing ChromeOS devices you may want to change the frequency that Fil...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

FileWave Anywhere persistent user preferences (14.8+)

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

What As a user of FileWave Anywhere, I frequently have to resize columns when I’m using it. Whe...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

FileWave Central - Additional Settings Menu Items

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

In the FileWave Admin application, there are several other settings and menu items that come into...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Embracing the Dark Side: Dark Mode for FileWave Central (15.3+)

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

What Once upon a time, in a brightly lit world of screens, a shadowy figure emerged, promising s...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Last Connect vs. Last Connected

FileWave Central / Anywhere

What OK, we'll cut right to the chase, the naming of these fields is silly and confusing.  We'll...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Move To... for Filesets

FileWave Central / Anywhere Filesets

What FileWave has long had the ability to move client device records either by drag and drop, or...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky

Windows 32bit Client - EOL

End of Life Statements

What As the new desktop kiosk for Windows is based on 64bit libraries, FileWave 15.3.0 will not ...

Updated 5 months ago by Josh Levitsky