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908 total results found

Professional Services & Training

Community Engagement

If you seek expert help with your FileWave account or need to onboard new staff, the Professional Services & Training (PS&T) team is at your service. This team is led by Josh Levitsky, CISSP. In addition to Josh, the team includes Emma Ainsworth, Andrew Kloost...

Classroom – Feature Overview

Apple Classroom

This is Apple's application for teachers allowing them to manage a class of students using iPads. The application is available on the iTunes App Store and the Volume Purchase Program (VPP) App Store. Apple has a video about the application in the "Meet your ...

Classroom – Shared iPad

Apple Classroom

Terms and Definitions Classroom – this is this is Apple's application for teachers allowing them to manage a class of students using iPad devices. Main features: Lock student devices Start application or Safari on a given web page on student devices Obse...

Classroom – SIS Data

Apple Classroom

SIS Support To know how to configure devices, FileWave needs to import SIS data; mainly person details and class organization.We currently support: ASM import (AKA "roster API") CSV import ASM data will be synchronized once every day (at midnight). You...

Classroom – Image Service

Apple Classroom

The Classroom app is able to display pictures of students - by default, initials will be used. FileWave has to be configured regarding where to get images. Classroom uses SSL for communication and will use the device certificate to authenticate itself to the ...

Classroom – Shared iPad

Apple Classroom

Keep in mind that Shared iPad and Classroom are independent; they use the same configuration system (education profile), but they can be used separately. Enable Shared iPad Devices have to be in an ASM DEP account; check also hardware requirements - they a...

Classroom – Different Deployment Scenarios

Apple Classroom

To have Classroom working, you need: All devices enrolled in FileWave Teacher devices identified, with Classroom app installed on them 1:1 devices identified (with identified Student) Cart Groups for shared devices Classes information (teachers, student...

Classroom – What we don’t support

Apple Classroom

Carts are always associated to a whole Class. There is no way to indicate to FileWave that this cart is for the 10 first students while the second cart is for the last 10 students. Passcode options - we can't get the passcode type from ASM for a...

Managed Apple IDs

Apple Classroom

Apple IDs has always been the central piece of Apple ecosystem - linked to an iTunes account, it was the only way to get software licenses until VPP device based licenses have been added. It was becoming more and more complicated for Education Organization to ...

Getting student images into Classroom

Apple Classroom

Do you want student images to show up in Apple's Classroom tool? You have come to the right place. Overview Images Large and small format of each student's image Properly named %user_identifier% = SIS/Student ID %size% = large or small Web serve...

How does FileWave work?

FileWave General Info

FileWave is a combination of tools and services integrated through a common administrative application front end. Since the FileWave Admin application is multi-platform, using Apple's macOS and Microsoft Windows, a systems administrator is not limited to a sin...

FileWave Components

FileWave General Info

In this section, we will describe the key FileWave components: FileWave Server The FileWave Server is the central repository hosting every file to be delivered to Clients. It consists of five processes and a web server. The first process interacts with logge...

Chromebook Management


FileWave has support for Chromebook management with the data that syncs from the Google Admin Console. Though this is not a total replacement for the Google Admin, FileWave does arm you with helpful tools and assets guaranteed to help your Chromebook deploymen...

FileWave Security

Security Information

FileWave SSL Certificates Using self-signed certificates should be avoided as much as possible in production environments; while it may make sense in some closed environments, using Globally trusted CAs is our recommended approach. The FileWave Server and ot...

FileWave Anywhere Overview

FileWave Central / Anywhere

The FileWave Anywhere interface is an Inventory tool designed to help with quick FileWave inventory references for specific clients in your server. Within the Web console you will be able to view all devices currently enrolled, their Filesets, installed applic...

Mobile Preferences - iOS / Android

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

The Mobile preferences are designed around Mobile Device Management for Apple's iOS/macOS and Google's Android/Chromebooks. This section discusses setting up the basic components in FileWave Central/Preferences.  Configure MDM Server MDM Server Address - E...

LDAP Preferences

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

FileWave supports connecting your LDAP network directory – Active Directory, Open Directory, or eDirectory – to your FileWave Server. This capability provides access to directory information for use in Smart Groups and parameterized profiles. You can also use ...


VPP and DEP Preferences

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

FileWave supports both Apple's Volume Purchase Program (VPP) and Device Enrollment Program (DEP). In order to get these working within FileWave, you will need to configure certain preferences. This section just discusses the settings required in the Preference...

Managing FileWave Administrators

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

FileWave supports tiered administration so you can create additional administrators in order to spread the workload, you are not limited to the amount of admins you can have in FileWave. How to log into FileWave Admin When you log into the FileWave Admin to ...


FileWave Central - Additional Settings Menu Items

FileWave Central / Anywhere Settings

In the FileWave Admin application, there are several other settings and menu items that come into play as you manage and configure your devices. They appear in two menu sets (Server & Assistants) as shown: Some of these items have already been covered, and ot...
