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589 total results found

Android Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

Enrolling Android devices to FileWave If you haven't already, please consult the Client Pre-Requisites > Android section to learn how to enroll Android EMM devices into FileWave. There are several ways to enroll Androi...

Apple DEP Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

Benefits of DEP Enrollment iOS, tvOS, and macOS can all take advantage of Apple DEP enrollment. DEP enrollments will force a specific set of preferences on the device and force enrollment to FileWave any time the device is Factory Reset. Another huge benefi...

Apple Manual Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

Not able to use DEP? Apple's Device Enrollment Program is great but you may find that all or some of your devices aren't showing in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager. Devices are usually excluded because they were not purchased directly from Ap...

Chromebook Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

How to enroll Chromebooks into FileWave If you haven't already, please consult the Platform Integrations > Chromebooks section to learn how to sync Google Admin Console with FileWave. Once this sync has completed, all of your "Provisioned" Chromebooks will ...

Windows Enrollment

Evaluation Guide 3. Client Enrollment

How to enroll Windows Clients into FileWave If you haven't already, please consult the Platform Integrations > Windows section for guidance on how to install the Windows FileWave client. If your organization uses Microsoft Entra ID and your users authentica...

Fileset Creation and Deployment

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

Section Details Please review the sub-sections in this "Fileset Creation and Deployment" guide for your managed OS platforms. Once you have you have at least one Fileset created, please review this page to see how to Associate your Filesets. Windows Soft...

Windows Software

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

Windows Filesets FileWave allows you to deploy any file, native installer, or script to a Windows machine. FileWave has no file-type or file-size restrictions and all scripts and installers will be launched with elevated privileges by default. After creati...

iOS Software and Profiles

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

iOS Filesets FileWave can deploy just about everything supported on iOS device including Profiles, VPP applications, .IPA applications, iBooks, and PDFs using Filesets. After creating a Fileset, please make sure to review the Fileset Creation and Deploymen...

macOS Software and Profiles

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

macOS Filesets FileWave allows you to deploy any file, native installer, scripts, or Profiles to a macOS machine. FileWave has no file-type or file-size restrictions and all scripts and installers will be launched with elevated privileges by default. After...

Android Software and Policies

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

Android Filesets Deploying Google Play Apps Deploying Google Play Web Apps Android Policies Android EMM Policies and Permissions ...

Windows Imaging - Capture Image

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

One image to rule them all Well, at least that's the plan. Since FileWave recommends using a thin image that has been Sysprep'd with "/generalize" and "/oobe", your Master Image will not be specific to any make/model of computer and will go through the defa...

Windows Imaging - Deploy Image

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

Start your imagin' ! Now that we have captured our Master Image, let's deploy it out to some Windows machines. Associate an image to machines You can associate a Windows image to a previously enrolled FileWave Client or to a "bare-metal" machine using a...

OS Software Updates

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

Stay Patched with FileWave Keeping your Windows, macOS, iOS, and tvOS device's operating systems updated is one of the most important steps to ensuring device security. FileWave sync with the default Microsoft and Apple Software Update catalogs allowing you...

Windows Imaging - Setup

Evaluation Guide 4. Fileset Creation and Deployment

FileWave Imaging Virtual Server (IVS) FileWave's ability to image is done by leveraging an on-premise server that we refer to as the "IVS". This server must be virtualized in either Hyper-V or VMWare environments. The IVS uses PXE Boot to network boot your ...

Technical Support Tools

FileWave General Info

About These are the FileWave Automated tools. We provide these scripts and automation tools to our customers to help them in their systems. Tools Selection Port Tester The Port Tester (PT) is a utility to help verify that all the needed firew...

What is Compatibility Mode?

FileWave General Info Troubleshooting

FileWave 13.1 introduced new security options and a mode to allow older clients to connect. Compatibility Mode was removed in FileWave 15.4.0 in favor of only using secure connections. Problem I don't know what compatibility mode is and what enable and disa...

Enable core dumps for booster crashes

Boosters Troubleshooting

For centOS Step-by-step guide edit this file:vi /usr/local/etc/filewave/supervisor/supervisord-booster.conf Uncomment this line:command=/bin/bash -c "ulimit -c unlimited && /usr/local/sbin/fwbooster restart the booster: sudo /etc/init.d/fw-boo...

FileWave Error Codes

FileWave General Info Troubleshooting

Server Error Context Explanation Solution -8 During Database Verification There are some orphaned objects in the database The first thing to do is to run a DB compact. You can run it from Xserver
monitor which is in /Applications/FileWave.

How to Restart FileWave Components

FileWave General Info Troubleshooting

There may be times where you will need to restart all components within the FileWave server, or just a single component (postgres or apache). From your macOS or Linux server you can type "fwcontrol", which should give examples of fwcontrol usage. macOS or Lin...

How to set FileWave Server components to debug mode

FileWave Server Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting purposes, it may be useful to set the FileWave server to debug mode. When troubleshooting issues with the FileWave server, booster, LDAP collection and syncing, as well as Software Update catalog issues, debug logging will give you extra in...