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FileWave Client Status Check: How to ask the client what it is doing on macOS and Windows


The FileWave client, available for both macOS and Windows, allows administrators to verify its status and understand the tasks it's currently handling. This can be accomplished by executing a specific command in the Terminal application on macOS, or the Command Prompt on Windows. This article provides instructions on how to use this feature for troubleshooting purposes.


This feature is especially useful when you have direct access to the device and need to determine what the FileWave client is currently working on. It enables you to view the current status of the FileWave client, the filesets in inventory, and other crucial information.

You might find this feature beneficial when:

  • You're diagnosing issues related to the application of filesets or profiles.

  • The FileWave client is behaving unpredictably and you want to determine its current state.


Follow the steps below to check the status of the FileWave client:


  1. Open the Terminal application on the macOS device.

  2. Execute the following command: /usr/local/sbin/ -s


  1. Open the Command Prompt on the Windows device.

  2. Depending on the architecture of your Windows OS, execute the appropriate command:

    • For Windows 64bit or ARM, run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileWave\fwcld.exe" -s

    • For Windows 32bit, run: "C:\Program Files\FileWave\fwcld.exe" -s

After running the command, you will see output similar to the example below:

**FileWave Client Status**
User ID: 11354
Current Model Number: 660

Filesets in Inventory:

1. Fileset Mac MDM OS Update - macOS Monterey 12.6.3 12.6.3, revision ID 10148, ID 10148, revision ID 10148, version 1 - Apple MDM OS Update is not supported (0)
2. Fileset Mac MDM OS Update - Safari 16.3, revision ID 10149, ID 10149, revision ID 10149, version 1 - Apple MDM OS Update is not supported (0)
3. Fileset FileWave_macOS_Client_14.10.2_df52a47c77, revision ID 10169, ID 10169, revision ID 10169, version 1 - Active (0)
4. Fileset Profile - TeamViewerHost Allow Standard User, revision ID 10173, ID 10173, revision ID 10173, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
5. Fileset Profile - Microsoft  Defender - Kernel Extension, revision ID 10190, ID 10190, revision ID 10190, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
6. Fileset Profile - Microsoft Defender - Notifications, revision ID 10191, ID 10191, revision ID 10191, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
7. Fileset Profile - Microsoft Defender - Web Content Filter, revision ID 10192, ID 10192, revision ID 10192, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
8. Fileset Profile - Microsoft Defender - TCC, revision ID 10193, ID 10193, revision ID 10193, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
9. Fileset Profile - Microsoft Defender - Data Acceptance, revision ID 10194, ID 10194, revision ID 10194, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
10. Fileset Profile - Microsoft  Defender - System Extension, revision ID 10195, ID 10195, revision ID 10195, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
11. Fileset Profile - Microsoft  - Background Service, revision ID 10196, ID 10196, revision ID 10196, version 1 - Handled via MDM (0)
12. Fileset MS Defender macOS, revision ID 10197, ID 10197, revision ID 10197, version 1 - Active (0)
Filesets not meeting requirements:


The output provides the following information:

  • User ID and Current Model Number where User ID is really the ID number of the device in FileWave

  • Filesets currently in the device's inventory, along with their status

  • Filesets not meeting requirements

  • Current worklist

This information can assist you in understanding the tasks that the FileWave client is processing and aid in troubleshooting any issues.